Our Book Formats – The children’s books on Free Kids Books website are provided in pdf format since it’s the most transportable. However, I am slowly converting many books into ePub (great for word-wrap on chapter books) and mobi for kindle fans. Pdf books were originally designed for printing, however, they are also designed for transportability …
“The biggest threat to a writers livelihood is not piracy but obscurity!” This quote, attributed to Tim O’Reilly of O’Reilly Media -an advocate of open source and free digital rights, has been echoed by a number of great authors, creators, and publishers, and summarises the main concept behind free, that is, it’s publicity you just …
Categories: Author Resources, Blog, Crafts To Make With Stories, Parents Resources
As parents we’re always looking for ways to entertain kids right? And an activity is engaging and educational, jackpot! I’ve recently discovered this awesome learning activity which is great for kids and parents, and really easy to do: Photo Storybooks. It’s a great way to learn, spend time together, and great way to store valuable …
Over the years we have hosted a wonderful series of books by Kanika G, and Kanika’s writing has grown to be included as one of my favourite FKB authors. After reading close to 30 Tania books, I often find myself looking forward to finding out what Tania will be up to next! Tania Series Kanika …
Categories: Blog, Crafts To Make With Stories, Learning to Read, Parents Resources, Recipies
I’ve discovered “Alphabet Baking!” – a really great way to teach letters to hungry toddlers! Let them cook and EAT the letters 🙂 Wouldn’t you so look forward to baking if your child gave you this? The first project we made was cookie letters. Not only was it great for learning letters, it also was …
Categories: Author Resources, Blog
This is just a reminder for all our authors and potential authors that Free Kids Books offers free editing services for all books children’s books submitted and accepted for publication on our website. We pride ourselves on providing books of a high quality, so in fact, the editing is not just provided, it’s mandatory! But why not …
I found this amazingly great recipe for vegan cheese sauce that has me craving it, the kids love it, it’s now my one recipe my daughter both asks for and eats (vegetables and all) and, it’s even simpler than making cheese sauce! It’s not literacy, although one could say there is literacy everywhere – since following …
Categories: Author Biographies, Blog, Susha Golomb
Categories: Blog, Learning to Read, Parents Resources
Spelling and Literacy Workbooks – Learning to Read, Write and Spell Workbooks are essential for helping develop confident happy readers and writers. When going through the learning to read age with one of my children, who was a struggling reader, I developed a ton of materials to help her find easy ways to learn the …