the king of custard castle

This fun elementary fiction book provides a great leisure or learning opportunity for elementary children. Emma encapsulates the essence of pure reading for joy in this book, while still providing a great resource for fiction exercises for elementary children learning to critique or studying creative writing styles and techniques. A collection of four fun stories …

Reviews (4)

Greeting Card Making for Kids – This book is a detailed gathering of ideas that can be applied to the creation of a greeting card. Calligraphy, doodling, simple drawing, and writing (idioms/puns) are the main chapters. These concepts require no artistic abilities nor expensive tools. This easy read encourages the Reader to play, with no …

Reviews (3)
pigsley and rio into the orchid cover

The Adventures of Pigsley and Rio – Into the Orchard – A story about  two friends, a pig and a dog, who live on a farm. In this story Pigsley and Rio adventure into an orchard where they meet a Samango monkey who is going to see his friends for a tree party. Select the …

Reviews (1)

Many, many, years ago, in a land far, far away, there lived a beautiful princess that loved ice bears. Everything in the land was perfect, because the citizens respected the laws of nature. That is until one day a wicked witch cast a spell over them so that they no longer cared about the environment. …

Reviews (3)
takloo the little salt seller

Takloo the Little Salt Seller – Takloo solves his parents problem with some entrepreneurial spirit. A beautifully illustrated story with a lesson and some insight into Indian culture. This book is published and licensed by Pratham books under the Creative Commons Share Alike Attribution (CC-BY-SA) License. By: Radhika Bapat and Poonam Athalye   Text and Images …

Reviews (2)

The Man that Thought He Was Smarter Than His Wife – A Folktale from Norway – A hilarious adventure of what a man does when he takes over his wife’s chores for the day, combined with a Viking ship activity at the end, this book makes for a great story and activity time. A beautiful …

Reviews (2)

Billy Boy, a failed sheep dog, escaped the farm and found himself in Mrs. Barker’s home for hounds, looking for his forever home. Will he find his forever people? And will they measure up to Mrs. Barker’s strict standards, and if it does all work out what new adventures will Billy Boy have in his …


The Boink Mystery – On a school expedition, Aman finds more than he’s bargained for; A strange Boink Boink sound comes from a visitor from another planet, find out more and learn lessons about keeping our planet clean from this intriguing space alien. Sample Text from The Boink Mystery Aman was sure he heard it. …

Reviews (1)

Stories on Values is an endearing and beautiful collection of short stories written by children, as selected entries from the Human Values Foundation’s annual Stories on Values competition. This is the Stories on Values 2018 edition. The Human Values Foundation has kindly made these available to republish here so as to reach a wider audience …

Reviews (4)
behind the lie support for domestic violemce

Behind the Lie tells a tale of a family living with domestic violence, find out how they manage to work out a way to share their problem without making things worse. This book shares knowledge to support domestic violence victims with practical advice told in a very easy to understand way, and also helps all …

Reviews (3)