robot fish - marine robots introduction for early elementary

Are you a Fish is a STEM level 2 ebook from Pratham about robot fish, a perfect book for early elementary school science to introduce children to the amazing world of marine robots. This book can be a stepping stone into a research project on the different types of marine robots available. Sample Pages from …

Reviews (2)
small bird's big adventure

Small Bird’s Big Adventure is another fun picture book from Bookdash. The small bird loves giant, but when she can’t find giant, he goes on an epic adventure trying to find her. Read more by selecting the links below the post, or see the text below. Small Bird’s Big Adventure text Small Bird was a …

Reviews (1)
Science comics grade 4 siyavula

In Thunderbolt Kids Science Comic Books Grade 4, we learn about the adventures of the Thunderbolt kids in a comic book style way. These books teach science and are perfect for struggling and reluctant readers since the texts are short and fun. This book is Grade 4, there are other books available for science grades …


In The Magic Letter, a mystery letter from a friend results in a problem-solving exercise and provides a fun science experiment. Find out how to write a secret message in this fun STEM story book. Author: Aaquib Jaleel, Illustrator: Shreya Sen         Text from The Magic Letter Ijas lives in Haryana and …

Reviews (5)
personalised boys stories - clark ness my name is in the story boys version

In the My Name is in the Story series, Clark Ness is back with these entertaining personalised early readers which can be – or ARE adapted to the child’s name! This collection is boys personalised stories, with the male pronoun, see also his collection for girls. Children love stories about themselves and they will enjoy …

Reviews (1)
personalised girls stories - clark ness my name is in the story girls version

In the My Name Is In This Story Stories and eBooks series, Clark Ness is back with these entertaining early readers which can be – or ARE adapted to a child’s first name! Children love stories about themselves and they will enjoy reading these girls personalised stories and ebooks. Every collection featured (64 stories and 6 ebooks in total!) …

The girl who could not stop laughing - picture book about laughing

In The Girl Who Could Not Stop Laughing, we hear a tale of a girl who keeps laughing. And we learn while it might cause problems in class, as long as you’re not laughing at someone in a nasty way, laughing is very good for all of us and makes us feel good. Author: Meera …

Reviews (3)
What is it? Short sweet children's book

What is it? Is a short and very sweet story of discovery. The animals discover a new creature, but it’s not like them, what can it be? Perfect for reading to very young children, and with simple words, recognition, and lots of repetition it also makes a perfect early reader. This is another amazing book …

Reviews (3)
thinking skills comic

This comic, Thinking Skills, brought to us by Siyavula, teaches incredibly important rationalization and study skills important to any field, scientific and otherwise. The concepts are explained in a user-friendly comic style, including detailed graphical representation and simple explanations. The topics covered are as follows: Classifying things – page 1 Concept mapping – page 11 …

Reviews (2)
animal homes early nature book

In Animal Homes, we learn about where different animals live. This is a perfect early nature lesson for young children in early grades or kindergarten and can be combined with a nature walk to find different animal homes. This is a level 1 book from Pratham, recommended for beginner readers, or kindergarten children. Author: Ashwitha …

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