
Into the Crater of Doom introduces kids to the asteroid impact 66 million years ago that caused dinosaurs and many other species to go extinct. Readers will also learn about the scientific research expedition to the impact crater that helped us learn more about the mass extinction.  The book features a part for younger children …

Raj the rambling radiator boodle bods cover

Raj is a radiator, but he cares a lot about all his friends. He wants to make everyone warm. Tim the tea towel gets a bit cold, and the pink flamingo loses an egg, flip a doodle, let’s not let the egg get cold! This exciting tale is a short fun read, with an important …

Reviews (2)
grade 2 maths practice tests

Our Grade 2 Mathematics Practice Tests and Exams provide a large selection of 2nd grade maths practice tests and exams from a variety of different states and countries. These practice tests can help students test their knowledge to determine the level of understanding of Grade 2 mathematics, or they can be used by teachers as …

Reviews (6)
bheema the sleepy head

Bheema The Sleepy Head – Bheema just can’t seem to wake up in the mornings, how will she solve this problem? Another great free kids book in Creative Commons from StoryWeaver and Pratham. By: Kiran Kasturia and Shweta Mohapatra   Text and Images from Bheema The Sleepy Head Bheema loves to sleep and just cannot get …

Reviews (1)
tania's cycling adventure

Tania’s Cycling Adventure – Four year old Tania is riding her bike around the hotel where their family is on holiday. Her Mama told her to stay in sight while cycling around. Tania is a fairly good girl, she tries to do what she is told, but then something caught her interest and she she …

Reviews (1)

In The Village Leader we follow the history of Than Kyi, one of the only female village leaders in all of Kayah State. In fact, she is one of the very few Myanmar women serving as village and ward leaders. Than Kyi always wanted to help her village and when the opportunity arose she stepped …

Reviews (2)
all free kids crafts holiday and seasonal crafts

These seasonal and holiday crafts books provided in this post, from All Free Kids Crafts are all seasonal theme, perfect for teaching children about the different changing weather and seasons of the year. The All Free Kids Crafts website provides an amazing number of craft books all totally free in pdf version. We have hosted …

the argument

The Argument – Max relays to Sarah a story, he claims to have overheard the Sun, Wind and Rain arguing one day, and that argument involved not only who was most important in the process of growing plants, but also in growing his little sister who happened to get in their way. As the elements …

Reviews (1)
school journal from the himalayas

How to Solve a Problem Like Himani, is a school journal from the Himalayas. Himani writes in her journal about life at school and at home in a village in the Northern Indian region of Uttarakhand, on the Southern slopes of the Himalaya range. The story takes you through her diary entries as she learns the …

Reviews (2)

In the year 2563 Maya and her friend Ava borrow the family space ship for a trip to Pluto. Halfway there they have a battle with a black hole where they are almost sucked in. Along the way, we learn lots of facts about black holes. Sample text from There’s a Hole in my Galaxy …

Reviews (3)