tyler no tail mouse

Tyler No-Tail Mouse – In Gingers Wood live lots of beautiful creatures, including Benny Badger, Tyler No-Tail Mouse, Milly Merry Mouse, and Freddy Fox. In this tale Tyler follows his love of Jam on an adventure, which nearly ends in disaster at Franky Farmer’s house. By: Kelly Seal     Sample text from Tyler No-Tail Mouse …

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magozwe finds a home

Magozwe Finds a Home is a story about a orphan named Magozwe. Magozwe’s parents died when he was young, so Magozwe end up living on the street for some time. Then finally, when it seems all is almost lost, he finds a home. Despite of the difficulties in his life, he strives to work and …

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personalised girls stories - clark ness my name is in the story girls version

In the My Name Is In This Story Stories and eBooks series, Clark Ness is back with these entertaining early readers which can be – or ARE adapted to a child’s first name! Children love stories about themselves and they will enjoy reading these girls personalised stories and ebooks. Every collection featured (64 stories and 6 ebooks in total!) …

talking in two - binary for kids

Talking in Twos – is about the computer language of binary, how it is being used in computer programming and how specific machines follow instructions. A perfect introduction to binary for children, the book explains how even the monitor that you are looking at right now uses 1s and 0s, to determine how bright the …

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tanias school picnic

Tania’s School Picnic – Tania and her friends are going on a school picnic exploring the Kanheri caves. Will they discover anything interesting? Another great free kids book from Kanika G By: Kanika G     Sample Text From Tania School Picnic: Tania’s School Picnic The children in Tania’s class at school were chattering excitedly. The …

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tanias custome party

Tania’s Costume Party – Tania has to go to a costume party, but she can’t decide what to wear. Another great book in the series by Kanika G about the experiences of a little girl named Tania. By: Kanika G Excerpt From Tania’s Costume Party: Tania’s Costume Party Tania had just received an invitation. It was for …

tanias new bicycle

Tania’s New Bicycle – Tania is big enough now to have a ‘two wheel’ bike! Her mama and papa buy her one, but can she ride it? A delightful tale of fear, courage, trust, and triumph. Will Tania learn to ride? Find out in this story, another great adventure with subtle but important lessons, in …

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Harold's Headboard Mice

Harold’s Headboard Mice – When a family of mice make a new home in Harold’s headboard, he doesn’t mind, since they are very discrete and clean. Harold doesn’t realise how much joy simply being kind to the mice will bring him. By: Kelly Seal     See more books about animals below    

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what is love

What is Love describes all the cool parts of love, how love makes you want to do stuff for others, and how love is beyond not feeling like it. Another great book from icharacter with some important lessons. By: Agnes and Salem De Bezenac     See more books from the Author below    

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aye ftom galloway

Kye From Galloway – Kye lives in Galloway Castle, in the country of Faraway, along with King Grumpy, his wife, Queen Chatty and their daughter, Butterfly, the most beautiful princess in all of fairytale land. When Kye falls ill with the flu, Princess Butterfly must convince her father, King Grumpy, to buy kitty boots for …

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