
What if you had a manatee in our bathtub, or a bison in your bed? Would you enjoy them there? Wild animals in your house sound like fun but find out more in this fun story that helps children learn the sounds and spelling of ere, ear, ier, air, are. Sample Text and First Page …


Gracie’s big sister is a F-E-M-I-N-I-S-T. What does that mean? Can boys be feminists too? Find out the answers to these questions and more about being really SUPER in this very sweet guidebook, written by Gracie to her new sibling. Sample Page 1 from Gracie’s Guidebook to Being Super: Download the full book on the …

how to be happy

10 life lessons on how to be happy by 10 friendly animal characters, including sight words and activities, perfect for school use, in a pdf and editable children’s book released under CC-BY-NC.

Reviews (1)

The Confessions of Henry Hooter the Third contains over 50 poems mostly written in rhyme for young children. Sample Text – The Confessions Of Henry Hooter The Third Sadly the dawn light seeps from the skies He closes his eyes Counts black sheep Cannot sleep. “I am tired of being wise … I’m not wise. …


Billy Boy wasn’t like his brothers Loki and Thor – even his name said it! Find out what happens to Billy Boy’s farm adventures, will the sheep listen to him? Will he find a better home? Another comically illustrated book from Terry Greenwell.  


Manatees and Dugongs, commonly named Sea Cows due to their vegetarian nature, are beautiful, gentle creatures, inhabiting shallow areas such as mangroves and estuaries in the warm equatorial regions. Learn more about these magnificent creatures in this book, aimed at early to mid elementary (primary) school children. The book is released in creative commons and …


A poignant tale of a child’s first speech on stage – a much anticipated moment of excitement, which turns into a haunting experience. The little girl who was teased and bullied grows up to help prevent the same actions at the school she works in resulting in long-term change. The story ends with a potent …

always be nice

Always be Nice is a short book for young children promoting kindness and manners and can be used as an early reader. The book is perfect for building confidence in reading with only 28 words most of which are simple words. This book also teaches kids ten important lessons about being kind to others. Each …

Reviews (4)

Tracie Johansen Azpazaz bunch are back with an epic, whimsical, rhyming adventure in their Akroozer Flying Machines. Packed full of prepositions, adverbs, and adjectives along with the rhyme, this can be suitable for fun or as an early reader. Sample Text from Amazing Akroozer Flying Machines Are you ready to go on an adventure with …

Reviews (5)

A young boy finds a blue bird with a broken wing. The story details his journey with the small blue bird, from recovery, release, return, and finally a tragic death. The little boy however gets over his grief to rejoice in the care of the little blue bird’s surviving family.      

Reviews (3)