colour your CFR

A fun colouring book to highlight the important mechanisms, pathways, and resources in the road to properly Researching the US Federal Regulations,  (i.e introduction and concise summary of US legal research for law students etc). Created by Nicole Dyszlewski, Raquel Ortiz, and Liz Gotauco, Published by CALI eLangdell Press. Available under a Creative Commons BY- …


A definitive guide to the Harry Potter series, categorised into beginner, intermediate, and advanced. This book contains extensive information for book projects character studies, or any other Harry Potter related study. For Harry Potter fans, this is an amazing free resource. If you are looking for an amazing guide to everything Harry Potter you’ve found …

Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10

This section on Trigonometry 2 – Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics 10 is made up of several lessons. Lessons, Essential Questions, Focus, Get Started, Activities, Explore, Bringing Ideas Together and Lesson Summary. Open School BC is an online learning service that provides support and learning services for K-12 and for workplace learners. Their resources include a wealth of quality K-12 educational material, …

Earth Science

This Earth Science Open Educational Resource (OER) textbook is written specifically for students to have a reputable source for them to obtain materials and information aligned to Utah Earth Science Standards for Grade 9, or for student’s first year Earth Science (Earth Science I) in highschool. The book is revised every year, based on teachers’ feedback …


Instead of just reading books together at bedtime, aspiring young authors can now make their own book and share it! Spark imagination with the most popular children’s book genres and learn about story structure and creative writing. In this book, Write your Own Fantasy Book, there are beautiful prompts of fairytale castles, dragons, unicorns, fairies …


“What’s That All About Then?” is a book of poetry for children which provides a whimsical look at all kinds of growing-up experiences. Subjects range from personal concerns of childhood such as ownership, bullying, self-esteem, family issues, school experiences, coping with loss, the pains and joys of growing up, imaginary friends, and superheroes to wider …


American Teens Talk is a book of interviews with plain ordinary, multi-cultural teenagers in the USA. The book was created by the US State Department’s Office of English Language Programs. A great way for new English speakers to understand every day language, and improve their English comprehension skills. Here’s what the compiler has to say: …

Reviews (9)
annabella crabtree hunter free YA book

Annabella Crabtree and the djinni, Basil, are reunited when Hassan-i Sabbāh escapes imprisonment in the boiling mud of a Baluchistan volcano and embarks on a campaign of vengeance. To protect those closest to her, Annabella must return to the past to deal with him and finds herself embroiled in the Crusades. This is the second …

Reviews (2)
22 Inspirational Quotes for Kids FKB 2020

Inspirational Quotes for Kids is a collection of 22 inspiring and beautifully set quotes and stories from well known and less well known people. All the quotes included are designed to create positive thinking and foster attitudes of open minds and Each beautiful quote is set to an equally beautiful picture that depicts the essence …

Reviews (3)
a girl's holocaust survivor tale

Bronia and the Bowls of Soup is a short tale of a young girl’s experience growing up in the ghettos and concentration camps in Poland and Germany. Bronia is a normal Jewish kid at Grade school in Poland, her family owns a small clothing shop and life is stable and happy. by Aaron Zerah As …

Reviews (10)