pirate cinema young adult piracy sci-fi

In Pirate Cinema, a young adult sci-fi novel about piracy, more over, extensive over-criminalisation of it. A teenager’s piracy crime results in his whole family being cut off from the internet as a punishment. Feeling forced to leave his home in a combination of shame, shunning, and an overriding desire to keep hacking movies. Another …

technical science grade 10

The following are open textbooks for technical science (engineering sciences or applied sciences) for Grade 10. The technical science textbooks here relate to a Grade 10 level and are aligned with study requirements in South Africa. These subjects are perfect for students wishing to pursue engineering or trade disciplines. Technical Science Grade 10 Student Textbook …


  In Moby Dick; or, The Whale, Sailor Ishmael tells the story of the obsessive quest of Ahab, captain of the whaler the Pequod, for revenge on Moby Dick, the white whale that on the previous whaling voyage bit off Ahab’s leg at the knee. Ishmael travels in December from Manhattan Island to New Bedford …

Reviews (1)
rhetoric and composition high school writing lessons

This writing textbook is a perfect text for a complete guide to writing, and suitable for aspects of introductory and advanced high school English students. The book contains a complete course in writing, from writing phases, drafting, editing, types of writing, to common phrases, word types, and improved use of English sentence structure, all explained in …

ESL Printables textbook grade 1

Over 600 pages of ESL Printables Grade 10, exercises, and learning material, suitable for English Second Language Students in year 10, upper intermediate level. These wonderful ESL exercises are available in creative commons, CC-BY-SA. Many more English Language resources for students learning English as a first or second language can be found in our English …

journey into the net

Journey into the net is a cyberspace children’s adventure for children and adults. A subtle analogy on cyberspace to date including appearances from all sorts of familiar heroes and villains (including FKB’s latest favourite the infamous WP). This book is brought to us by MonsterPost, supplying themes, skins and all things related to blogs and websites. Author Helga Moreno, Illustratrated by Marina …

Reviews (3)

An inspiring story detailing a connection between a heart transplant and his donor, and how you can make a change if you try and keep trying. Max and Keira achieve an important change in organ donor laws in the UK – saving hundreds of lives each year since the change was effected. This book is …

technical maths grade 10

The following are open textbooks for technical maths (engineering maths or applied maths). These technical maths textbooks relate to a Grade 10 level and are aligned with study requirements in South Africa. These subjects are perfect for students wishing to pursue engineering or trade disciplines. Technical Mathematics Grade 10 Student Textbook – pdf Technical Mathematics …

maths and science textbooks

Siyavula provides an amazing, comprehensive, well-presented set of free maths and science textbooks, based on the South African school syllabus. The maths and science textbooks contain around 500+ pages and cover all learning content for each year, with worked examples, practice questions, sample papers, linked videos, and many books also provide a separate teacher guide. …

Reviews (5)

This Open Educational Resource (OER) high school chemistry UEN textbook is written specifically for students to have a reputable source for them to obtain materials and information aligned to Utah Chemistry Standards. With the hope that teachers use this resources for their students, as they keep records and suggestions on how to improve the book. …
