Utah 6th Grade Maths Textbooks OER

These 7th Grade Math textbooks are separated into sets of ebooks in 8 subject areas. Each set consists of: Mathematical Foundations which explains the mathematical content of each chapter, a Student Workbook with an overview of the chapter, daily class activities and matching homework sets, practice standards, and student self-assessments, and a Parent Manual (teacher guide) which mimics …

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secondary mathematics 2

Secondary Mathematics 2 – is separated into 9 modules, Quadratic Functions, Structure of Expressions, Quadratic Equations, More Functions and More Features, Geometric Figures, Similarity and Right Triangle Trigonometry, Circles from a Geometric Perspective, Circles and Other Conics, and Probability. Each has a separate student textbook and teacher notes at ordinary and honors level. The vision …

sindi and the moon preparing for the first day of school

Sindi and the Moon is a story about Sindi’s experiences preparing for and going to school for the first time. Sindi is getting ready for her first day of school, but she’s a little nervous. Will there be only reading and writing, or will they let her sing and dance too? Download the full picture …

Reviews (1)
Utah 6th Grade Maths Textbooks OER

The 8th Grade Math textbooks set is separated into 10 sets of ebooks by subject. Each subject consists of: Mathematical Foundations which explains the mathematical content of each chapter, a Student Workbook containing exercises with an overview of the chapter, daily class activities and matching homework sets, practice standards, student self-assessments, and a Parent Manual (teacher guide) which mimics …

The world I live in and the practice of optimism

In The World I Live In – The Practice of Optimism, Iby Helen Keller explains in an amazing and inspiring set of biographical accounts, along with essays and poems what it is like for her in her world. Helen Keller, being both deaf and blind, seeing the world through her sense of touch, displays an …

Reviews (2)
talking in two - binary for kids

Talking in Twos – is about the computer language of binary, how it is being used in computer programming and how specific machines follow instructions. A perfect introduction to binary for children, the book explains how even the monitor that you are looking at right now uses 1s and 0s, to determine how bright the …

Reviews (1)
secondary math 1

Secondary Mathematics 1 – is separated into 8 modules, Sequences, Linear and Exponential Functions, Features of Functions, Equations and Inequalities, Systems of Equations and Inequalities, Transformations and Symmetry, Congruence, Construction and proof, Connecting Algebra and Geometry, and Modeling Data Mathematics. The book contains worked examples for learning and lots of practice exercises. The teachers guide …

coral reef activity book NOAA

The Coral Reef Activity Book is another fun and educational activity book brought to us by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  This Coral Reef Activity Book contains all sorts of activities about sea life including colouring pages, fun facts, mazes, matching games, word searches, and even secret codes. This makes a perfect …


Khan Academy Science has an amazing set of comprehensive online lessons and quizzes for teaching and testing science. These Khan Academy science resources are separated into subjects, and perfect for middle school and high school lessons, along with some college material. Each subject has topic lessons that include videos, sometimes reinforced with articles, and lots …

dreaming girl picture book day dreams

In Londi The Dreaming Girl, Londi is always daydreaming. This can be fun when a cloud turns into a goose, fish, or sheep, but what happens when she’s asked to do something important for Gogo? Can Londi keep her mind on the task? Find out more in this cute picture book about day dreaming from …

Reviews (2)