san's quest free children's story

San’s quest, San, a rock painting, learns with the help of a friend to face his fears. San the bushman drawing lives all alone in his cave. He finds out that there are others like him in the Karoo, but he is too scared to leave his cave. When he has the courage to venture …

Reviews (9)
welcome to life CC early science children's book

Welcome to Life, an early science book explains in a narrator style to you the reader all about where we are and where we come from. Welcome to life, a creative commons children’s book beautifully tackles complex subjects in very easy to understand and informative way. Ryan aptly subtitles the book, A Guide for New …

Reviews (15)

ABC’s of Biodiversity is a truly amazing alphabet. With 260 images – 10 for each letter, each with a high quality photograph, but the amazing thing is what is featured for each letter. Older children learning to read will have fun both learning to sound out words that are unlikely to be familiar to most …

Reviews (7)
Biju spins some magic cultural childrens story

Biju Spins Some Magic, a cultural children’s story for early to middle grades, Biju accompanies his father to Delhi to sell the saris. Biju and his family are weavers in rural Odisha. They create beautiful fabrics to sell in the cities of India and abroad. In this tale of Biju’s adventures find out how he  …

Reviews (2)
stingray children's story

Pishi Caught in a Storm – Pishi, a stingray, is caught in a storm and needs help. This story has some lovely non-fiction facts woven into a fictional adventure about a stingray. Some facts are included at the end as well, making this a great starting point for a school project, or just a fun …

Reviews (12)
Snail Carpenter - Children's Story

The Snail Carpenter tells a tale of striving for a dream. With a big enough heart, and a strong will, even the smallest of snails can become a great carpenter. In this story, The Snail-Carpenter will teach you how you can succeed at everything you do. By: Ognjen Livada     Text and Images from The …

Reviews (6)
Knight with a Heart childrens story-EFT for children

The Knight with a Heart tells a story in verse about a knight who learns to handle his emotions and a happy ending. Throughout the book we learn about simple Emotional Freedom Techniques which children can use to handle negative emotions. Ognjen Livada and Margareta Persic   Sample Text from Knight with a Heart The …

Reviews (7)
Angry Akku - Children's story about handling emotions

Angry Akku is a delightful children’s story all about handling anger. Akku is angry, she had a really bad day at school. Her father suggests she draw about what happened. At the end of the book there’s a list of ideas for handling anger. This book makes a great example for children about how to …

Reviews (2)
Jadav - children's nonfiction - biography

Jadav ‘Mulai’ Payeng Biography – Jadav and The Tree Place is a children’s non-fiction book covering the story of Jadav ‘Mulai’ Payeng,  a man who created a forest, by planting one tree at a time. This is an inspiring biography for children including lots of information about environmental friendly actions. Another great non-fiction children’s storybook …

Reviews (4)
The Magic Powder - A folktale from Myanma

In The Magic Powder, a delightful folktale from Myanmar with a very important lesson, a young man studying alchemy finds out how to turn earth into gold by following the advice of his wise father in law. Another great free story from Pratham and Storyweaver. Author: Greystroke Illustrator: P.G. Dinesh     Text and Images …

Reviews (8)