
In The Village Leader we follow the history of Than Kyi, one of the only female village leaders in all of Kayah State. In fact, she is one of the very few Myanmar women serving as village and ward leaders. Than Kyi always wanted to help her village and when the opportunity arose she stepped …

Reviews (2)

The Boink Mystery – On a school expedition, Aman finds more than he’s bargained for; A strange Boink Boink sound comes from a visitor from another planet, find out more and learn lessons about keeping our planet clean from this intriguing space alien. Sample Text from The Boink Mystery Aman was sure he heard it. …

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Tutul wants to give her friend some chocolate for her birthday. But nobody in her family is ready to help her! Tutul needs a new plan! Can her clever idea convince the shopkeeper to give her some birthday chocolate? Find out in this short book ideal for early readers with lots of repetition. Sample Text …


Welcome to the Forest – A true story of a group of visually impaired students who go on a field trip to the forest, enjoy this tale of what they conceptualise through touch and sound. Sample Text from Welcome to the Forest Tulsa wishes she could visit a forest. Her teacher reads stories about tigers …


Dance of the Flamingos  – Living like lotus flowers on water, the sight of pink flamingos is one of the most beautiful sights of the natural world. Why are they pink? Do they put on make-up? Do they have even a single bone in their long neck? Here is a book of photographs that answers …

Reviews (2)

A brother and sister wonder if there is such a thing as an invisibility cloak. Their search for information leads them to learn about all sorts of fabrics from linen and cotton to high tech fabrics, even a real potential invisibility cloak. Sample Text from Under the Invisibility Cloak   Arnav and Tanisha loved to …

Reviews (5)

What Happened to the Shawl? Buddhist parable – A monk approaches Buddha in need of a new shawl. Before he gives it to him Buddha delves deep into the situation of what happened to the old shawl. A story of reduce, reuse, recycle. Sample Text from What Happened to the Shawl? Buddhist parable One day, …

Reviews (2)

In Have You Ever Heard A Whale Sing we hear lots of facts about whale songs. The underwater world is a noisy place. But amidst it all, melodious songs echo through the water. Read all about some of the strongest, largest and loudest singers under the sea—whales! Author: Divya Panicker, Illustrator: Deepti Sharma Sample Text …

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Colour Our Story – Children from around the world create messages and colouring images for other children as a way to globally connect. This edition is from around the world – worldwide Book 3. Sample Pages from Colour Our Story Book 3 See more coloring books in our colouring section, as included below:   About …


Whoopee…Hyperloop! Future technology coming soon – Vishnu loves to see new places. But he hates long journeys. Why can’t we have a faster mass transport system, he wonders? So when he reads about the hyperloop, he is blown away… whoopee! What’s this futuristic mass transport system? Vishnu and his friends read all about it in …

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