
In The Village Leader we follow the history of Than Kyi, one of the only female village leaders in all of Kayah State. In fact, she is one of the very few Myanmar women serving as village and ward leaders. Than Kyi always wanted to help her village and when the opportunity arose she stepped …

Reviews (2)
all free kids crafts holiday and seasonal crafts

These seasonal and holiday crafts books provided in this post, from All Free Kids Crafts are all seasonal theme, perfect for teaching children about the different changing weather and seasons of the year. The All Free Kids Crafts website provides an amazing number of craft books all totally free in pdf version. We have hosted …


A non fiction book all about cats, big and small, including review questions and a writing exercise at the end. This is a well presented and well written creative commons addition from Open Equal Free, categorised by OEF as Level 4. By: Michael A. Jones  

Reviews (6)
school journal from the himalayas

How to Solve a Problem Like Himani, is a school journal from the Himalayas. Himani writes in her journal about life at school and at home in a village in the Northern Indian region of Uttarakhand, on the Southern slopes of the Himalaya range. The story takes you through her diary entries as she learns the …

Reviews (2)
journey into the net

Journey into the net is a cyberspace children’s adventure for children and adults. A subtle analogy on cyberspace to date including appearances from all sorts of familiar heroes and villains (including FKB’s latest favourite the infamous WP). This book is brought to us by MonsterPost, supplying themes, skins and all things related to blogs and websites. Author Helga Moreno, Illustratrated by Marina …

Reviews (3)

Whizz-kid scientist Bradley Robinson knows precisely how to get more presents out of Santa. His plan involves lots of coffee and some electric shocks, neither of which Jack, his younger brother, is a fan of, but he doesn’t get much say in the matter. Of course, Santa isn’t the only person out and about in …

Reviews (2)

In the year 2563 Maya and her friend Ava borrow the family space ship for a trip to Pluto. Halfway there they have a battle with a black hole where they are almost sucked in. Along the way, we learn lots of facts about black holes. Sample text from There’s a Hole in my Galaxy …

Reviews (3)
introduction to clouds for children

Clouds out my window all about clouds from NOAA – is an awesome comprehensive book which explains all about clouds for upper elementary or middle-grade children in a very easy to understand way. This book was written by John Jensenius a Meteorologist with the National Weather Service, a department of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration …

tyler no tail mouse

Tyler No-Tail Mouse – In Gingers Wood live lots of beautiful creatures, including Benny Badger, Tyler No-Tail Mouse, Milly Merry Mouse, and Freddy Fox. In this tale Tyler follows his love of Jam on an adventure, which nearly ends in disaster at Franky Farmer’s house. By: Kelly Seal     Sample text from Tyler No-Tail Mouse …

Reviews (1)
magozwe finds a home

Magozwe Finds a Home is a story about a orphan named Magozwe. Magozwe’s parents died when he was young, so Magozwe end up living on the street for some time. Then finally, when it seems all is almost lost, he finds a home. Despite of the difficulties in his life, he strives to work and …

Reviews (1)