Stick’s adventure provides a tale of following your dreams, along with some amazingly inspirational photos.
Cute, little Stick sets off on a grand adventure pursuing big dreams and exciting goals. Along the way she learns that life’s sweetest moments happen along the way. It’s not the destination, but the journey that makes the adventure wonderful.
Moral: Life is a journey worth living. Everyday the small, beautiful adventures await.
Sample Text From Stick’s Adventure
Stick’s adventure was here, it had come now at last. She put on her boots and hurried up fast.
The comforts of home were lovely and nice, but giving up those was a fair enough price.
She had places to go, and people to greet, marvels to see, and adventures to meet.
<End of Page 3>
NOTE: This is a lower resolution version of the book – check out the author’s website for the original version.
About The Brothers Whim
The Brother’s Whim motto is “We make the best stories we can, and then give them away. No copyrights.”
Just like Free Kids Books, the Brothers Whim want to make money selling books instead of downloads. They also feel, like I do, that the more our stories are downloaded and shared for free the better.
They have gone one step further than most private authors by licensing their books as creative commons without commercial restrictions. That is, the books are licensed under CC-BY-SA
This means you can even re-use them commercially, your only requirement is to mention The Brothers Whim as the original creators, and you must share your derivative works with others, like we did with you.
This is a pay it forward concept, that fortunately the new digital world is embracing with open arms. The more books out there in creative commons the better!
More information, hard copies, and full resolution files are available at
Stick’s Masterpiece is a wonderful rhyming picture book, perfect for inspiring children that feel they “can’t do” something. Free at FKB.
Cute, little Stick doesn’t know how to paint a masterpiece, but she can do small and simple things. The combination of all these small and simple things, composed over time, become her masterpiece. And the result is more beautiful than she could have imagined!
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Comments 3
i loved it because it was a nice ryhme and made people achieve their adventures and when they do they will miss home
Hi Faith, these particular books, Stick’s adventures, you can follow the link under the authors name and buy hard copies, I am not sure about the delivery but if you contact them perhaps they will be able to.
i loved it because it was a nice ryhme and made people achieve their adventures and when they do they will miss home
I really love your books, how do my son get hard copies in Kenya.
Hi Faith, these particular books, Stick’s adventures, you can follow the link under the authors name and buy hard copies, I am not sure about the delivery but if you contact them perhaps they will be able to.