
Johnny Town-Mouse lives in the city, Timmie Willie a country mouse lives in the garden. In this delightful tale they meet and become friends. As Timmie Willie ventures into the city, Johnny Town-Mouse introduce a whole new world to timmie. While Johnny also ask questions about Timmie’s town. Another adaption of Beatrix Potter’s classic tales …

Reviews (3)
The Tale of Mrs Tittlemouse cover

In The Tale of Mrs Tittlemouse, Mrs Tittlemouse’s only wish is for her house to be clean and tidy, however, all her unexpected guests are not helping her at all. Mrs Tittlemouse battles against a stray beetle who leave’s footprints all over her clean floor, a lost mother ladybug, and a web stringing spider, an …

Reviews (1)

Rat Cat is a very short book with cute illustrations featuring Cat and Rat. Perfect for building confidence in early readers! Sample Page Author: Dropti Sharma Illustrator: Rajeev Verma ‘Banjara’ See more Eary Readers on FKB in our Early Readers Section    

A Day at the Carnival children's story cover

Three brothers, Little Mouse, Littler Mouse, and Tiny Mouse go out for a day to the carnival, they have a really great time, but safety must come first, and it’s important to look out for each other. Luckily they are keeping track! Author: Syamphay Fengsavanh, Illustrator: Nivong Sengsakoun, Translator: Alisha Berger Originally published by Room …

a house for a mouse

A House For A Mouse – A short story about a mouse looking for a house that suits him just right, suitable for young children and learning to read. Another great creative commons book from BookDash. By: Michele Fry, Amy Uzzell, Jennifer Jacobs     Text and Images from A House For A Mouse Mouse was looking …


In Matchbox Dreams toys come to life and live in the land of children’s dreams as three siblings adventure with their friends the toy mice. Matchbox Dreams is specifically designed for parents to read to their children before bedtime or for older readers to read to themselves. Each night Harper, Remy and Millie come alive …

Reviews (2)
mavi fare the blue mouse

Mavi Fare – The Blue Mouse – The Blue Mosque in Istanbul had a Blue Mouse. The little blue mouse was i danger from both people and cats, will he eventually escape to go on more adventures? Another great children’s story from Stuart Baum of Stuart Stories. By: Stuart Baum   Text from Mavi Fare – …


In Two Mice a little brown mouse encounters a computer mouse and challenges his new friend to find out what can a real mouse do and each time his new friend matches the challenge and betters. Sample Text from Two Mice One day, a little mouse climbed onto the table to explore. “Oooh, yum! This …

Reviews (3)
the rescue

The Rescue – Rufus, a brave little mouse, returns from an errand to find his home destroyed and his family kidnapped. He then takes on a journey to rescue them. On the way he is aided by many animals and learns the importance of not only teamwork, but courage and perseverance. By: Carmen Saptouw   <Sample …

Reviews (1)
roy the rat and his six thinking hats

Roy the Rat has six thinking hats that he use whenever he wants to enter the process of making a decision. These hats help him approach situations carefully, by judging from different angles, and assist to avoid making hasty decisions or mistakes. This is a great technique that children can learn to apply in day …

Reviews (5)