
Molly learns about her mother’s need for a lung transplant. In time, after that successful transplant, Molly can play in the sandbox with her mother again. Based on real-life events, this is a story for children of families facing transplant, illustrated by children of TRIO Philadelphia chapter transplant families; conceived, created, and edited by the …

Reviews (1)
US Civil Rights Free At Last

A comprehensive textbook on Civil Rights in America, documenting the US civil rights movement from the introduction of slavery through to the enforcement of the Civil Rights Act and eradication of all discriminatory practices. This textbook was created by the US Bureau of International Information Programs and is available in Public Domain. Principal text written …

Reviews (5)

A play that brings awareness of the importance of organ donation.

Reviews (3)

Sexual identity and gender identity are topics that can involve intense confusion for teens and young adults. Discovering your sexual identity and/or gender identity is the first step that one must undertake and this book helps by first explaining how gender identity and sexual identity are not just black and white – or pink and …

Human Values Foundation Stories on Values 2016 cover

Stories on Values is an endearing and beautiful collection of short stories written by children, as selected entries from the Human Values Foundation’s annual Stories on Values competition. The Human Values Foundation has kindly made these available to republish here so as to reach a wider audience with these endearing and important lessons. More details …

Reviews (12)

Fisho and her family and friends are suffering under the weight of the increasing ocean debris, literally. This endearing story should make you think twice before littering. Sample Text from Our Land FISHO and her sister and brother were getting ready to go to school. After they finished their breakfast, their mum gave each of …

Reviews (4)

This is a survival guide and workbook designed specifically for teens or young adults who may have thoughts of self-harm. The ebook is available as a pdf which you can print and fill in by hand or edit using the pdf annotate tools and also as an editable odg file (Open Office Draw). Note the …

Reviews (4)
SPLC Civil Rights Activity Book cover

This beautifully presented Civil Rights Activity Book helps children learn about the US Civil Rights struggle fought for equal rights for people of colour in America. In 1964 President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, making it unlawful to treat people differently because of their race, religion, or sex. While the American Civil War ended …

Reviews (2)

An inspiring story detailing a connection between a heart transplant and his donor, and how you can make a change if you try and keep trying. Max and Keira achieve an important change in organ donor laws in the UK – saving hundreds of lives each year since the change was effected. This book is …


Some kind hearted children decide to make a difference on Thanksgivng and start a tradition of  “Children Helpint Children”. A perfect book to emphasise the spirit behind Thanksgiving. “With a giving spirit one can achieve great things.”         Read along with the video here: Read by Kiwi Opa    
