Chipko Takes Root, Saving trees of the Himalayas

Here is a story set in the hills that shows what bravery and grit can accomplish. Dichi, a brave Bhotiya girl takes part in the Chipko movement to save her beloved trees. Everybody in her village knows that trees give them all the important things in their life. Rapid deforestation in the Himalayan region of …

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When a friend visits Neelu she has some amazing stories to tell about animal rescues and animal prosthetics. The book explains how 3D printing helps in the animal prosthetics industry including some real examples at the end. Author: Riddhi Dastidar, Illustrator: Anupam Arunachalam Sample Text from Neelu and the Phenomenal Printer Miru Mashi is visiting …

Reviews (2)

What Happened to the Shawl? Buddhist parable – A monk approaches Buddha in need of a new shawl. Before he gives it to him Buddha delves deep into the situation of what happened to the old shawl. A story of reduce, reuse, recycle. Sample Text from What Happened to the Shawl? Buddhist parable One day, …

Reviews (2)

The Boink Mystery – On a school expedition, Aman finds more than he’s bargained for; A strange Boink Boink sound comes from a visitor from another planet, find out more and learn lessons about keeping our planet clean from this intriguing space alien. Sample Text from The Boink Mystery Aman was sure he heard it. …

Reviews (1)

The pond in the village is so blue and deep and refreshing, that is until irrigation plans were put in place and a factory was built neraby which dumped waste in the pond. Now the pond was polluted and nearly dried up. The village children decide to work together to make a difference, with a …


Kiwis are unusual birds with several mammal-like properties. This book tells you about the evolution of their unique features and where you can find them now. The kiwi birds are in danger and need to be protected. The author hopes to spread awareness to help save the kiwis.    

Reviews (3)

How does the sun drive Earth’s climate system? How do the ocean, ice, clouds and atmospheric gases affect the impact of the Sun’s energy on the Earth? How have plants, animals, and humans affected Earth’s climate? How may Earth’s changing climate effecting plants, animals and humans? What tools do scientists use to monitor weather, and …


Manatees and Dugongs, commonly named Sea Cows due to their vegetarian nature, are beautiful, gentle creatures, inhabiting shallow areas such as mangroves and estuaries in the warm equatorial regions. Learn more about these magnificent creatures in this book, aimed at early to mid elementary (primary) school children. The book is released in creative commons and …


Fisho and her family and friends are suffering under the weight of the increasing ocean debris, literally. This endearing story should make you think twice before littering. Sample Text from Our Land FISHO and her sister and brother were getting ready to go to school. After they finished their breakfast, their mum gave each of …

Reviews (4)

Many, many, years ago, in a land far, far away, there lived a beautiful princess that loved ice bears. Everything in the land was perfect, because the citizens respected the laws of nature. That is until one day a wicked witch cast a spell over them so that they no longer cared about the environment. …

Reviews (3)