the race beginner reader free picture book

The Race is a short picture book, perfect for pre-schoolers and kindergarteners. The simple language and repetition makes it a nice book for beginner readers. The book is 5 pages and 55 words, less than a minute, or around 5 to 10 minutes for a beginner reader. Author: Kanchan Bannerjee, Illustrators: Kavya Singh, Natasha Mehra …

Reviews (7)
Who is it cute beginner reader

Who Is It is a cute beginner reader about animals. The book features. repetition and simple language, someone is making a funny sound, who is it? Author: Kanchan Bannerjee, Illustrator: Pratyush Gupta Who is Cute is made available in creative commons – CC-BY-SA by Pratham’s Storyweaver platform.     Text from Who Is It Priya …

Reviews (6)

What’s in the Pot, makes a great an early reader with lots of repetition and simple language. Mama’s cooking dinner, but what is she making, can Sam guess? Another great free children’s story created by Bookdash. Illustrated by Hayley Alonzo, Written by Crystal Warren         What’s in the Pot Sample Text: “What’s …

Reviews (15)

In the Lion Who Wouldn’t Try is a story about trying, we see a story of a lion who is too afraid of failure to attempt anything. All the other animals are having fun, while the lion is moping around. He is too afraid of losing that he never ends up having any fun. This …

Reviews (34)
ranger forester nature theme early reader

In Ranger Forester, a nature theme early reader from bookbot, we learn about a park ranger who protects the animals and natural environment. Ranger Forester works out in the wild. It is his job to look after the animals and plants. Uh oh…Ranger Forester finds something that doesn’t belong in the forest. What is it, and …

Reviews (8)
Where's Lulu picture book

In Where’s Lulu, a short fun book for very young children, Lulu’s hiding from her Mum, she doesn’t want to go out. But why is it she doesn’t want to go out? Find out more in this fun short picture book. Can you see her on each page? This book teaches children about the fun …

Reviews (28)
Captain ren't trip to mars space themed early reader

Captain Ren is ready for his first adventure into space, he’s off to Mars. He has important work to do on Mars. What will he do while he is there? Will he meet anything on Mars? Get ready for lift off! In this fictional space theme early reader young astronauts can entertain their dreams of …

Reviews (4)
Fish and chip shop early reader cover

The Fish and Chip Shop is an early reader picture book which describes a trip to get fish and chips for lunch. It’s lunch time, and this little boy wants to try the fish and chip shop. What do you need to do when you order food? What will he choose for lunch? Come and …

Reviews (26)
Elephant Keeper Nakita early reader phonics

Phonics based early reader story, Nakita helps out at a shelter for sick and injured elephants. She makes them well again so that they can be reintroduced into the wild. Today, she found a baby elephant in a hole. How can Nakita help? This book is an early reader, designed to build confidence on simple …

Reviews (7)

This very cute non-fiction book for young children is all about wild cats, from common big cats to more diverse, it also makes a great learning to read age book which can spark some research ideas for homeschool or general interest study. Wild Cat! Wild Cat! Is a creative commons book from Storyweaver, rated as level …

Reviews (4)