
As Long As I Stay Positive I Can Achieve Great Things! This little eBook features the character Abazora of the Azpazaz Bunch. This is a story with positive affirmations to remind you to be strong and courageous. Never let anyone tell you anything you want is impossible. Read this little book out loud to yourself …

Reviews (1)

Getting a vaccination can be very scary. The Friendly Needle, in this charming illustrated story, tells Jack all about how vaccinations can help protect him. After focussing on all the positives, the pinch didn’t hurt Jack as much as he thought it would. If your child needs to get a vaccination this is a great …

Reviews (5)

This poignant account of children and teen’s child helpline calls can help children put their problems in perspective or recognise that there are ways to get help. Over thirty stories of problems from too much schoolwork or friendship difficulties to suicide and physical and sexual abuse. The book also includes worldwide contacts for Child Helpline …

Reviews (1)

Jack and the Magic Chalk is a story of what Jack gets up to while he’s under separation. Helping children to better understand and cope with lockdown. Sample Text from Jack and the Magic Chalk Jack lives with his Granny, Mommy and big sister Julie in a little house in a little village with a …

Reviews (1)

Human Values Foundation Stories on Values is an endearing and beautiful collection of short stories written by children, as selected entries from the Human Values Foundation’s annual Stories on Values competition. This edition is from 2017. The Human Values Foundation has kindly made these available to republish here so as to reach a wider audience …


Corona Virus Guidebook for Children Another book about the Corona Virus, this time a comprehensive guidebook to healthy practices for children, including trace the words exercises. This book is brought to us by KEEP – The Kids’ Educational Engagement Project, a Liberian initiative to promote reading. With the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic raging across …

children's human rights ebook

We are re-releasing this beautiful book for the upcoming celebration of International Human Rights day. In I Know My Rights, Menaka Raman explains in a clear and no compromises way what children’s basic human rights are. The poignant book includes a child-friendly version of the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child and advice …

color me safe colouring book

Color Me Safe is a safety colouring book from the US Center for Disease Control Injury Prevention division. This fun rhyming colouring story book has really important health and safety advice, perfect for physical education or health classes in elementary school. We can never under-estimate the importance of health and safety information, and many unnecessary …

Fire! Fire!, fire safety

In Fire! Fire! – A story about fire safety. little girl Ana, after moving towns, goes to work with her father, there are lots of speakers and shower-heads in the building they visit, Ana wonders what they are. They soon find out when a fire alarm sounds. A story about what happens in a fire, …


Jack’s dad started to show some symptoms of a weird illness. He went to several doctors and they couldn’t find anything wrong. Jack’s Dad decided it was important to think like a scientist and did not give up looking. Finally, he found a specialist who diagnosed his condition, but not soon enough – Jack’s grandparents …
