Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Beginner English, Children, Christmas, Grade K and Pre K
A kitten is tricked by a bad fairy and falls into a well. Fortunately, some good fairies hear her calls for help and rescue her. The kitten cannot remember where she came from so the good fairies take her back to their home at the North Pole where she helps Santa and Mrs. Claus. The …
Categories: Age 10-13 years, All FKB Books, Christmas, L.N. Hunter, Older Children
Whizz-kid scientist Bradley Robinson knows precisely how to get more presents out of Santa. His plan involves lots of coffee and some electric shocks, neither of which Jack, his younger brother, is a fan of, but he doesn’t get much say in the matter. Of course, Santa isn’t the only person out and about in …
Instead of just reading books, aspiring young authors can now make their own book and share it! Spark imagination with the most popular children’s book genres and learn about story structure and creative writing. In this book, Write your Own Horror Book, there are enchantingly scary image prompts of ghouls, witches, cauldrons, skeletons, and much …
Witches, monsters, and Halloween creatures gather for a night of delight, but instead of being scary, they decide to be jolly and merry. A fun rhyming tale that takes the scare out of scary and makes Halloween fun. For more family fun enjoy some of the recipie suggestions at the end of the book. This …
Some kind hearted children decide to make a difference on Thanksgivng and start a tradition of “Children Helpint Children”. A perfect book to emphasise the spirit behind Thanksgiving. “With a giving spirit one can achieve great things.” Read along with the video here: Read by Kiwi Opa
Categories: Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Children, Christmas, Family, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Intermediate English, Ivan Parvov, Read along video, Values
The Best Christmas Gift brings us another wonderful adventure from Bubu, the small fox with a big heart. This time, it’s Christmas, and Bubu helps Santa with an important task. A very sweet and beautifully illustrated children’s story, with a nice moral to help children learn about values and rules. Many other Languages available at …
What is Christmas all about? Is it the presents, and the candy, and the snow – do you even have snow? Or is it about sharing, giving, loving, and growth? Is it about toys or is it about family and fun? This short photo book is designed for young children and children learning to read, …
The naughty Christmas Goblin is trying to steal the Christmas gifts, but can the Elfling outsmart him? Another beautiful Christmas story from T Ferries Sample Text from The Christmas Goblin and the Elfling Once, two elves were putting their elfling to bed. It was a dark and snowy night. The mother elf designed toys and …
Lily from Joyville wishes Christmas would come every day, Santa comes to help her find out about Christmas spirit and that the true meaning of Christmas can live in our hearts every day. Sample Page from Christmas Every Day