
Instead of just reading books together at bedtime, aspiring young authors can now make their own book and share it! Spark imagination with the most popular children’s book genres and learn about story structure and creative writing. In this book, Write your Own Mystery Book, there are intriguing prompts of xxx and much more, to …

Reviews (2)
Basic book design high school textbook

Basic Book Design is a textbook suitable for high school students (and adults) all about basic book design. The book is provided by Wikibooks, in the creative commons under a GNU open document license. As a project for English, art or computer studies, creating a book should be a compulsory activity in schools. This book …

Forests for the People

Forests for the People – And old man and a young man take a walk in the forest, the young man learns a lot about how important trees are to our lives, changing his attitude towards nature, he shares this with his girlfriend. A beautiful picture book with many interesting facts about forests, throughout the …

Reviews (1)
king of the killers

King of the Killers – Can a T-Rex outwit two equally huge and hungry dinosaurs? What part does a Tuatara play in the battle? An exciting book with a lesson to learn, and have some fun afterwards looking up the dinosaur species in the book. The book is also available in a colouring book in …

Reviews (7)

Many, many, years ago, in a land far, far away, there lived a beautiful princess that loved ice bears. Everything in the land was perfect, because the citizens respected the laws of nature. That is until one day a wicked witch cast a spell over them so that they no longer cared about the environment. …

Reviews (3)

Herewith the Wikijunior big book of Science Experiments featuring the first five featured experiments from Wikijunior. Contents Slime recipes Yucky gooey slime! Isn’t it just great?! We love it! Oobleck – is it a liquid or a solid? Red cabbage indicator Red cabbage indicators are great for showing if something is an acid or base. …

Reviews (3)
gecko on the wall extended version

Gecko on the Wall is a short book about geckos around the house using rhyme and imagination. Suitable for reading to pre-school children, or reading by children learning to read. This extended version includes a non-fiction section at the end. The fun gecko facts and activities for children provides for an additional learning experience and perfect for classroom or homeschool projects. …

Reviews (2)
the golden ballon

The Golden Balloon – “- But I’m a balloon just like you” , it said hesitantly to the round balloons that were looking from up high and were laughing. It was different from the rest, with a rare, almost gold colour. It had every right to be proud of its appearance but it had yet to …

Reviews (4)

This book takes readers through 10 simple steps to creating a book, including software, images, format, and publishing. This book is written in simple terms to be used as a guide by children or as a lesson plan by teachers or parents. If you create a book and want to share it on Free Kids …

Reviews (4)
health and safety colouring book

The Health and Safety colouring book brought to us by the Denver Environmental Health department. The topics covered in this wonderful health and safety colouring book include practical yet simple and well explained concepts easy for children to understand. These colouring pages make a perfect addition to a classroom or home-school, or just great activities …

Reviews (2)