
Phobias & Fortitude –  This book contains 2 short stories. Princess Lemon & Her Yellow Shoes and Scared Out Of her Wits, both of which are suitable for 8 to 12 year old kids. Princess Lemon & Her Yellow Shoes (new edition): Kate has lots of shoes. She loves them all. All except a pair …

Reviews (12)
The Magic Powder - A folktale from Myanma

In The Magic Powder, a delightful folktale from Myanmar with a very important lesson, a young man studying alchemy finds out how to turn earth into gold by following the advice of his wise father in law. Another great free story from Pratham and Storyweaver. Author: Greystroke Illustrator: P.G. Dinesh     Text and Images …

Reviews (8)

Around the world with a chilli contains lots of fun facts for children about chilies and the places they come from. A young boy in India meets Ajar Uchu, the spirit of the chillies. The spirit tells the young boy all about the countries chillies come from and the travelers who traded with them and …

Reviews (9)
The Cottonwool Doctor children's non-fiction book free

The cottonwool doctor, a children’s non-fiction book, provides the story of Magaret Ann Bulkly, who became Dr James Barry. This exciting and inspiring biography details the career of a woman who pretended to be a man so she could be a Doctor. Another great free children’s book from BookDash The Cottonwool Doctor: The story of …

Reviews (3)

How Does the Toothpaste get in the Tube – Have you ever wondered how the toothpaste gets in the tube? In How Does the Toothpaste get in the Tube we find out. A wonderful non-fiction story about the history of toothpaste and how toothpaste tubes came about, and most importantly how the toothpaste gets inside. …

Reviews (13)
The tale of the toilet cover

The Tale of the Toilet is a delightfully entertaining non-fiction story bound to entertain children and inspire learning about the history of plumbing and toilet that dates back from a very long time. How toilet are similar or different from other parts of the world. From all around the globe everyone has the same problem …

Reviews (26)
Rengeela Finds a Home - Free Kids Book

Rangeela Finds a Home, is the first book in a series of adventures Rangeela’s Tales, featuring a young boy and a parrot. Rangeela winds up very beaten up and nearly lunch for the cat when the young boy Navjyot rescues the near-to-death parrot and wins his trust. Navyjyot finds that Rangeela is a very special …

Reviews (2)

Bob And The Cyber-Llama- The story follows the adventures of Bob Halibut, a young man who inherits a tremendous fortune from his grandmother. After meeting her cybernetic llama butler, Jeeves, Bob learns that, in her youth, his grandma was an Indiana Jones-style treasure-hunter. Under Jeeves’ guidance, Bob follows in his grandmother’s footsteps and travels to …

Reviews (6)

Drawing For Kids- This is the easiest way for kids to learn how to draw …no questions asked. Kids will love turning words, numbers, and letters into cartoons. Turn a number into an animal, turn the word boy into a cartoon boy, turn a letter A into a rocket ship….and many other drawing lessons. Kids …

Reviews (4)

A Walk Among Trees – STEM Biology Topic for Grade School Kids Trees have been growing on our planet well before human beings appeared on it. Without their comforting shade and tasty fruit, our earth would be quite a barren place. Take a walk among trees in the King’s orchard to savour the taste, the …

Reviews (7)