The Cat in the Ghat provides a rhyming tale of an exciting adventure in the Western Ghats. The story is inspired by the real-life expeditions of National Geographic explorer, photographer and filmmaker Sandesh Kadur in search of the elusive Pogeyan in the Western Ghats. In the beautifully illustrated picture book, Uncle Sandy (Sandesh Kadur) searches for the mysterious cat, and …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Animals, Bookbot, Early Reader, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Grade K and Pre K, Nature, Toddlers
In Ranger Forester, a nature theme early reader from bookbot, we learn about a park ranger who protects the animals and natural environment. Ranger Forester works out in the wild. It is his job to look after the animals and plants. Uh oh…Ranger Forester finds something that doesn’t belong in the forest. What is it, and …
In Episode 2 of Pepper and Carrot, Carrot has his eyes on a rainbow potion. Is it going to be a good idea to sneak around behind Pepper’s back or not? Download or read online this adapted version of Pepper and Carrot – The Rainbow potion, a popular webcomic to find out. Pepper and Carrot …
Captain Ren is ready for his first adventure into space, he’s off to Mars. He has important work to do on Mars. What will he do while he is there? Will he meet anything on Mars? Get ready for lift off! In this fictional space theme early reader young astronauts can entertain their dreams of …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Beginner English, Bookbot, Children, Early Reader, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Uncategorized
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Animals, BookDash, Creative Commons, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Grade K and Pre K, Toddlers, Wordless
In Toast, a wordless book, a little girl and her family go on a picnic. There’s a kit-tee, or is it, and a bun fight, or should I say toast fight, over a piece of toast. Lots of fun and adventure and colourful illustrations to provide enjoyment for fun readers. The beauty of wordless books …
Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Animals, Beginner English, Bookbot, Children, Early Reader, Elephants, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Toddlers
Phonics based early reader story, Nakita helps out at a shelter for sick and injured elephants. She makes them well again so that they can be reintroduced into the wild. Today, she found a baby elephant in a hole. How can Nakita help? This book is an early reader, designed to build confidence on simple …
My Inside Weather is an awesomely simple way of understanding the feelings we sometimes have inside and what to do about them. Sometimes we feel all smiles like there are sunshine and rainbows inside. We can tackle anything. Other times it feels like there is a huge storm, nothing goes right and everybody makes us …