C'est le jour de la lessive

C’est le jour de la lessive – Laundry Day French – A short book about having fun doing laundry, after a day of using clothes, socks, uniform comes a time of washing to get things clean fixed and ready for another day. Author: Mathangi Subramanian, Illustrator: Shambhavi Singh     Text and Images from C’est …

कपड़े धोने का दिन

कपड़े धोने का दिन – Laundry Day Hindi – Everyone is busy doing their laundry. Some lines are filled with socks, others are sewing new buttons to their uniforms while others are removing ink and chalk stains. All are doing this to have a clean clothes for the next day, all will be dirty again …

El dolor de muelas real

El dolor de muelas real – The Royal Toothache – Colouring and hygiene Spanish – Having a tooth ache, and no one is there to help because everyone is scared of the very thing that you are in pain with your sharp teeth, is terrible. Who could be able to solve the problem the king …

Rage de dents royale

Rage de dents royale – The Royal Toothache – Colouring and hygiene French – The king of the jungle has a tooth ache that has been troubling him. No other animals would dare to come close to his teeth as they are all afraid of him aside from a little creature that was small enough …

Quel drôle de poisson

Quel drôle de poisson ! – Are You a Fish French- STEM marine robots – There is a new kind of fish swimming in the sea. But these fish are made of iron, jelly, cloth, and rubber. They are human robots made to protect, guard, monitor, and observe the fishes and the ocean without threatening …

टाइग की अनोखी दुनिया

टाइग की अनोखी दुनिया – is the Hindi version of Tig’s World: Tig is a little girl who has an important question that she needs answered. She ask her parents her mom being a scientist and her dad who is a writer. After she heard both their answers, she is sure one of them is …


Le bûcheron de Gura (conte éthiopien) – The Woodcutter of Gura French: A very funny story about a woodcutter who went up to climb a tree and begun to cut the branch right where he was sitting. A priest walk by and asked him what he was doing, then warned him that the branch would …

Un lion en cavale

Un lion en cavale – There’s a Lion on the Loose French: Geeti and Meeti wondered what do animals do when it rains, especially the ones inside the zoo. It was raining that day, and when night time comes, Raja the lion found that his cage was flooded by the never-ending rain. That night Raja …

C'est grave la gravité

C’est grave la gravité ? – Tig’s World French Version – What do people do on the other side of the earth? Do they fall off? A question Tig asked to both of her parents, Tigs mom is a scientist while his dad works as a writer. How are they going to answer tigs question? …

Tu as entendu?

Tu as entendu? – Did You Hear? – French: Young readers who love birds will enjoy to learn the different sounds birds make when they talk. Knowing how these birds sound researchers and Ornithologist often identify birds just by using the sound it makes. After reading this book you can also try an activity with …


¿Escuchaste? – Did You Hear? – Early nature book about bird sounds Spanish this is a non-fiction book about birds and the sound they create when they are talking. The Brahminy who sounds like a baby, the Malabar who whistles happily and many more birds are in this book perfect for a young aspiring ornithologist. …

le petit rhino

Ringo, le petit rhino – Rhino Charge French – Ringo is a baby rhino who lived with his mother and father, ringo was as strong as any baby rhino would be and he loves to wallow in the wet mud of the park. But there is one thing that ringo does not like, he was …

Tine et l'irrésistible appel de la montagne

Tine et l’irrésistible appel de la montagne – Tine and the Faraway Mountain French – Based on a true story of Tine a girl from Mishimi hills of Arunachal Pradesh her journey and her love to climb mountains that made her the very first woman who had climbed Everest. Tine says that she hears the …

Le relevé de notes ahurissant

Le relevé de notes ahurissant – The Very Shocking Report Card French is a story about a little boy Pattu whose report card is less than desirable, what will happen when his Papa and Mummy see the report card? This beautifully illustrated story has some wonderful examples of adjectives and similes which makes it a …

गैंडा भागा

गैंडा भागा – Rhino Charge Hindi: Ringo was a baby rhino who lived in a protected park along with his parents. One day Ringo went to a drinking spot where almost all the animals went to have a drink. Ringo saw many different animals at the river bank, when he was about to introduce himself …

टीने और दूर बसे पर्वत

टीने और दूर बसे पर्वत – Tine and the Faraway Mountain Hindi Tine a girl from Mishimi hills of Arunachal Pradesh ever since a child she loved running and climbing trees. She often hears the mountain calling to her. When she grew up the passion inside her has also grow to the point where she …

शहर में शेर

शहर में शेर – There’s a Lion on the Loose Hindi – Partly based on a true story, this is about Raja the lion who went out of his cage. It was raining that night and Geeti and Vekki wondered what do animals do when it rains so hard. The ones in the wild are …

चौंका देने वाला रिपोर्ट कार्ड 

चौंका देने वाला रिपोर्ट कार्ड – The Very Shocking Report Card Hindi: Pattu’s report card day and Papa is happily taking Pattu’s card from his teacher with a big smile. But afterward, the smile changed into a shock as he read on his son’s report card. But a lot of things happened on their way …

début des mathématiques

Un, Trois, Cinq, A L’AIDE – One, Three, Five HELP French – Début des Mathématiques: A fun story about a coconut beetle who loves to count. He counts all sorts of things the petals of the flower, other insects and his friends. while counting he accidentally fell on his back and asks his friends for …

Qu'est-ce qu'on est bien chez soi

Qu’est-ce qu’on est bien chez soi ! – We Love Our Home French – This is an early nature book for children with colourful images and factual information about different animals and their habitat. This book is a good research material for young grade school students and early readers who are eager to know more …
