The Recipes for Healthy Kids Cookbook is an amazing publication, beautifully presented, easy to read, made by children for children, in a US-wide competition from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). The book was created from over three hundred submissions. The competition and this resulting healthy kids cookbook was a collective effort from USDA, the …
Categories: Age 10-13 years, Age years 13+, All FKB Books, Creative Commons, Grade 4 to Grade 6, Grade 7+, Maths, Non-Fiction, Science, Siyavula, Young Adult
Siyavula provides an amazing, comprehensive, well-presented set of free maths and science textbooks, based on the South African school syllabus. The maths and science textbooks contain around 500+ pages and cover all learning content for each year, with worked examples, practice questions, sample papers, linked videos, and many books also provide a separate teacher guide. …
Solar system Wikijunior ebook is a text book on the solar system for upper elementary and middle school, this book has tons of facts on the solar system presented in an appealing way, easy for children to understand. The Solar System Wikijunior book is a creative commons book, so all text can be reused and …
FKB Kids Jokes 1 is a fun selection of short cute and funny jokes with pictures. A joke book is a fun way to get kids reading. Kids love jokes, and these simple kid-friendly jokes are appealing to kids of all ages. Chuckle to yourself while reading with your child, or encourage a reluctant reader to …
This is book 32 of The Tania Series. Tania is growing up, and so is her thirst for adventure. After reading many books about kids solving mysteries and stumbling upon secret passages, Tania is craving an adventure of her own. Tania and her best friend Tanisha, are vacationing with their families in a small …
This workbook provides explanations and exercises stepping through aspects of elementary school geometry from drawing a line and defining a point, up to an introduction to Pythagoras’ theorem, irrational numbers, and fractals. A perfect workbook for homeschooling, classroom use where no prescribed text is available, or for after-school study to help re-enforce the concepts learned …
A definitive guide to the Harry Potter series, categorised into beginner, intermediate, and advanced. This book contains extensive information for book projects character studies, or any other Harry Potter related study. For Harry Potter fans, this is an amazing free resource. If you are looking for an amazing guide to everything Harry Potter you’ve found …
Categories: Age 10-13 years, All FKB Books, Fluent English, Grade 4 to Grade 6, Maths, Older Children
In Steps of Wonder – maths story, Ms Mathis’ class is taught to always wonder when they are bored, never to just sit idle. This leads from waiting for a bus at a school trip to an exciting maths challenge using steps. The maths challenge is so exciting the whole class is absorbed in working …
In “Yes, That’s My Mother!” we learn some important subtle maths lessons while at the supermarket with a young girl and her mother. First she’s embarrassed by her mother’s behaviour, but then, in the end, she is proud. A wonderful story about how to recognise that standing out and being different is not a bad …
What will today bring is a picture book about a young child’s experience coping with disaster. This book is a great way for children to learn empathy for those facing civil disasters, to get inside the shoes of children displaced by natural disasters. This would be a very suitable story for classroom study when fundraising …