
A definitive guide to the Harry Potter series, categorised into beginner, intermediate, and advanced. This book contains extensive information for book projects character studies, or any other Harry Potter related study. For Harry Potter fans, this is an amazing free resource. If you are looking for an amazing guide to everything Harry Potter you’ve found …

Buying a Bicycle short story cover

A short humourous story for older children about buying a bicycle. Waiting in The Shovel and Custard for the next bus makes Joe think there must be a better way to spend our time. But if you ever thought buying a bicycle was a simple matter, you should have come with us. Download the full …

Billy gets bullied billy growing up

Billy Gets Bullied is the first book in a series called Billy Growing Up for upper elementary children, tackling important topics for children growing up and facing the difficult middle-grade years. Aimed at 6 to 9-year-olds, this story helps children understand why bullying takes place and what they can do to stop it. Billy Field …

Reviews (8)

The Middle Ages is a reader designed for Grade 4 from the Core Knowledge Foundation. The reader has complex vocabulary designed to prepare students for the increased demands of later grades, focusses on Western Europe in the middle ages, or medieval times. This resource is available with a teacher guide and activity book, at the …


A non-fiction book all about cells, atoms, and other microscopic particles, including review questions and activities at the back. Suitable for school projects or home school lessons. Another great creative commons book from Open Equal Free. By: Megan Smith, Elissa Alvey, Dane Stogner     Text and Images from Cells – Home School Lessons Everything in …

Reviews (3)
Piglet gets a new job FKB middle grade fiction

Piglet gets a new job is a delightful early chapter book, a modern fairy tale with a heart-warming heroine and a poignant message, which will entertain children and adults alike. Since before she could remember, the piglet had been part of the circus, but now she has been thrown out and left to fend for herself. …

Reviews (2)
wikijunior solar system ebook download

Solar system Wikijunior ebook is a text book on the solar system for upper elementary and middle school, this book has tons of facts on the solar system presented in an appealing way, easy for children to understand. The Solar System Wikijunior book is a creative commons book, so all text can be reused and …

Reviews (1)

Billy Helps Max – The fifth book in the Billy Growing Up Series, This chapter focuses on stealing or theft. Taking something from someone without permission is a very bad and undesirable thing to do. Have you lost something valuable or got something very important to you stolen. It hurts and sometimes it is very …

snowy owl haiku

Gabriel Rosenstock is back with a great collection of inspiring bilingual Haiku set to thought provoking artwork and photographs, including some issues on child labour in the US. Sample Page from Snowy Owl Gabriel Rosenstock See more from Gabriel Rosenstock on FKB For more about Haiku, see here: It is noted that while Japanese …

Helena middle grade fantasy adventure

Yeti’s think people are imaginary, or is it people who think yeti’s are imaginary? Either way in this adventure that borders on science fiction we are taken on a roller coaster ride of what happens when a yeti rescues a little girl from a car crash where her parents are killed. The story is written …

Reviews (8)