Space puzzles book

A space puzzles book for children interested in space. This activity book contains interesting facts about space flight along with activities to match. The book includes a maths puzzle, unscramble national parks, find words, match parts of the space station, and spot the difference. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, and the National …

Reviews (2)

Herewith the Wikijunior big book of Science Experiments featuring the first five featured experiments from Wikijunior. Contents Slime recipes Yucky gooey slime! Isn’t it just great?! We love it! Oobleck – is it a liquid or a solid? Red cabbage indicator Red cabbage indicators are great for showing if something is an acid or base. …

Reviews (3)

This book takes readers through 10 simple steps to creating a book, including software, images, format, and publishing. This book is written in simple terms to be used as a guide by children or as a lesson plan by teachers or parents. If you create a book and want to share it on Free Kids …

Reviews (5)

In The Magic Letter, a mystery letter from a friend results in a problem-solving exercise and provides a fun science experiment. Find out how to write a secret message in this fun STEM story book. Author: Aaquib Jaleel, Illustrator: Shreya Sen         Text from The Magic Letter Ijas lives in Haryana and …

Reviews (5)

Instead of just reading books together at bedtime, aspiring young authors can now make their own book and share it! Spark imagination with the most popular children’s book genres and learn about story structure and creative writing. In this book, Write your Own Fantasy Book, there are beautiful prompts of fairytale castles, dragons, unicorns, fairies …

Reviews (3)

How does the sun drive Earth’s climate system? How do the ocean, ice, clouds and atmospheric gases affect the impact of the Sun’s energy on the Earth? How have plants, animals, and humans affected Earth’s climate? How may Earth’s changing climate effecting plants, animals and humans? What tools do scientists use to monitor weather, and …

marine conservation protect the ocean activity book

Marine Conservation Activity Book – For future marine biologists this book makes a perfect way to pass the time. The Protect our Oceans a marine conservation activity ebook contains lots of marine conservation-based activities such as a find the word game, matching puzzles, a drawing activity, and a colouring activity, along with lots of facts …

coral reef activity book NOAA

The Coral Reef Activity Book is another fun and educational activity book brought to us by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  This Coral Reef Activity Book contains all sorts of activities about sea life including colouring pages, fun facts, mazes, matching games, word searches, and even secret codes. This makes a perfect …


A bumper collection of mazes and dot to dot with a dinosaur theme. Help children develop important educational skills while having tons of fun! Hard copies also available at the author’s website, here:  

Reviews (3)
911 colouring activity book

The 911 Colouring and Activity Book is a really important book for children to learn about calling for help in an emergency and how the 911 system works. Use these exercises to teach your children or your students the important emergency response actions for various situations so they are prepared in case of an emergency. …
