woof-woof overcoming fear of pets

Woof-Woof is a delightful story of a young girl overcoming her fear of pets. The little girl is terrified of her family dog, and runs crying to her Daddy. Her Daddy shows her the woof-woof only wants to play. Slowly the little girl overcomes her fear and gains trust. This cute short picture book was …

Reviews (1)

Short and Super Short Stories for Teens is a medley of romance, science-fiction, humour, social issues, fantasy, suspense, and fun. It’s a diverse collection of stories to satisfy the many complex hues of teenage emotion. This story is brought to us by Kanika G, who writes many popular stories for children available here on free …

Reviews (6)
brave knights need help

  Brave Knights, Bullies, and Emotional Intelligence – I found this quote on Bookbot, (To give credit where it’s deserved!) on an absolutely inspiring post they put up with quotes about dyslexia, for example, one says something like  “I don’t suffer from Dyslexia, I suffer from ignorance from those who think it is a disability.” …

emotional intelligence activities for kids

Emotional Intelligence is a vital skill for children, often overlooked. Not only is it overlooked, but there is seldom good workbooks available aimed directly at children. This activity book is a treasure trove of wonderful exercises that get kids thinking about their own emotions, create self-esteem, empower good behaviours and habits, and develop consideration for others. …

Reviews (17)
Children's book about death

Circles, a beautiful picture book about death in nature, provides a helpful introduction to the topic of death for young children. This is an ideal children’s book about death, if you need to help a pre-schooler understand about the impending or recent passing of a loved one, a family friend, or  pet. In Circles, we see …

Reviews (1)
The Jealousy Germ - CC Picturebook

There’s a germ in the bakery shop, and he’s not a good germ. He’s spreading his jealousy disease amongst all the ingredients. Olive oil is jealous of butter, salt of sugar, and sugar of salt, each thinks the other is stealing the limelight, and no one wants to share. How far will the jealousy germ …

Reviews (12)
Picture book about emotions - cover image

My Inside Weather is an awesomely simple way of understanding the feelings we sometimes have inside and what to do about them. Sometimes we feel all smiles like there are sunshine and rainbows inside. We can tackle anything. Other times it feels like there is a huge storm, nothing goes right and everybody makes us …

Reviews (5)
picture book about conflict resolution

The Barnyard Buddies STOP for Peace – Teaching kids conflict resolution – is an endearing picture book with an important lesson on life skills. The animals in the story have a problem, someone is not sharing. As they lament over their woes, anger rises, and with anger is chaos. Until one wise friend gives a …

Reviews (10)
Knight with a Heart childrens story-EFT for children

The Knight with a Heart tells a story in verse about a knight who learns to handle his emotions and a happy ending. Throughout the book we learn about simple Emotional Freedom Techniques which children can use to handle negative emotions. Ognjen Livada and Margareta Persic   Sample Text from Knight with a Heart The …

Reviews (7)
Angry Akku - Children's story about handling emotions

Angry Akku is a delightful children’s story all about handling anger. Akku is angry, she had a really bad day at school. Her father suggests she draw about what happened. At the end of the book there’s a list of ideas for handling anger. This book makes a great example for children about how to …

Reviews (2)