Categories: Age 2-5 Years, All FKB Books, Counting, Editor's Picks, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Grade K and Pre K, Maths, Non-Fiction, Toddlers
This collection of maths stories for young children contains 9 sets of books, 27 books all together from the maths learning centre. Each set of maths story books contain a variety of maths themed picture books, from counting, to shapes, to snowflakes. The Maths Learning Centre is a non-profit organisation for promoting maths learning programs …
Categories: Age years 13+, Creative Commons, Grade 7+, Maths, Non-Fiction, Open School BC, School Textbooks, Young Adult
This section on Trigonometry 2 – Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics 10 is made up of several lessons. Lessons, Essential Questions, Focus, Get Started, Activities, Explore, Bringing Ideas Together and Lesson Summary. Open School BC is an online learning service that provides support and learning services for K-12 and for workplace learners. Their resources include a wealth of quality K-12 educational material, …
The Fascinating Fibonaccis – Did you know the beauty of numbers is replicated in nature? From shells to flowers, all seem to follow mathematical patterns. Fascinating facts about number sequences and their real life representation in nature. Another great creative commons book from Story Weaver and Pratham. By: Shonali Chinniah, Hari Kumar Nair If you enjoy …
In “Yes, That’s My Mother!” we learn some important subtle maths lessons while at the supermarket with a young girl and her mother. First she’s embarrassed by her mother’s behaviour, but then, in the end, she is proud. A wonderful story about how to recognise that standing out and being different is not a bad …
Categories: African Story Book, Colouring, Counting, Creative Commons, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Grade K and Pre K, Maths
How Many is a fun early maths colouring book with animals and bugs. It includes pages like how many eyes do six cats have, including early multiplication skills. Sample Page How Many – Early Maths Colouring Book See more of our colouring books below Sponsored Links: Note – if you sign up …
Categories: Age years 13+, Creative Commons, Grade 7+, Maths, Non-Fiction, Open Educational Resources, UEN
Secondary Mathematics 3 – is separated into 9 modules, Functions and their Inverses, Logarithmic Functions, Polynomial Functions, Rational Expressions and Functions, Modeling with Geometry, Modeling Periodic Behavior, Trigonometric Functions, Statistics and more. Each of the 9 modules is available at ordinary and honours levels and each has a student and teacher version. Secondary Mathematics Three: …
This workbook provides explanations and exercises stepping through aspects of elementary school geometry from drawing a line and defining a point, up to an introduction to Pythagoras’ theorem, irrational numbers, and fractals. A perfect workbook for homeschooling, classroom use where no prescribed text is available, or for after-school study to help re-enforce the concepts learned …
This ebook, Linear Measure, is made up of several lessons in geometry from the Grade 10 syllabus, including estimating and measuring length and distance, measuring diameters, locating midpoints, and linear problems. The maths textbook includes sections on Lessons, Essential Questions, Focus, Get Started, Activities, Explore, Bringing Ideas Together and Lesson Summary. This ebook is brought to us in creative commons (CC-BY-NC) …
How Pintu Found Pi – Math Story, Pintu is lonely in his new school. Whenever he approaches his classmates, they form a closed circle. Then Pintu finds Pi. Discover Pi with Pintu – easy explanations that help remember what is Pi for middle-grade maths. Author: Sarat Talluri Rao, Illustrator: Aratrika Choudhury Sample Text from How …
Jeenu is spending the summer holidays with her grandparents, and she’s bored, Ajji suggests a game. Will it be a fun game? This geometry storybook with activities is a great way to combine reading and play. Jeenu and Ajji are drawing circles, triangles and squares. Then they turn them into all sorts of things. This …