
Der Mond und die Kappe – The Moon and the Cap German The popular book, The Moon and The Cap, from Pratham, translated in German. A story about a boy who had his hat flew onto the top of the tree. When the night came, he saw that the moon was looking on to his …

common digraphs spelling lists

Similar Words Reading List – How frustrating is it to try to remember there, their, hare, hear, and here. This file provides 3 pages of word tables that will help children learn similar patterns in English words, to help spelling and sounding out skills.     See more books perfect for children learning to read …

Reviews (1)

A series of short stories with the first two with three letters, then 4 letters and finally 5 letter Words. This book is aimed at providing confidence to new readers. The first two stories are very suitable for early readers in the CVC stage, to develop blending skills. The other stories build on this for …


What Money Can Buy – Teach your children the real value of money, and how sometimes the poorest of us can be very rich, while the richest very poor. Happiness and quality are of course independent of money always!       See more books like what money can buy below    


This is a Spelling and Writing Workbook covering some of the early phonics items from the UK G1 syllabus, in editable (OpenOffice, extension .odt) version (the PDF version can be found on FKB files page, here: ). The file includes CVC word lists for short vowel sounds, stories to read in three and four letter …

Reviews (3)

This Dyslexic font .ttf file has been developed by one of our authors, Sarbasst Braian to address the letter and word recognition difficulties dyslexic children have. The text has different slants and shapes for similar letters which breaks the standard patterns, which we know are unrecognisable for someone with Dyslexia. If you use this font, …


Under the Sea is a book designed to learn sight words, with around 25 common sight words and only 45 words in total, it’s a great book for young children learning to read. This file is for editing the book in open office format, the original book is available on the Free Kids Books home …

Reviews (2)

Spelling and Writing Workbook 2 Grade 1 – Editable Workbook – This is the editable version of the Sight Words Book on our main home page, here: This common words spelling and writing workbook is the second in a series of 3. Author: Danielle Bruckert Links to all books in the series: Spelling and …

Reviews (2)

Mac and Dipper, a classic from Free Kids Books early days, has been translated into Spanish, here’s the free Spanish Children Book in an editable version. This translation was contributed by Noelia Zaballa of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Author: Danielle Bruckert, Translated by Noelia Zaballa     Big Mac and Little Dipper: The Stair Case Big Mac learns to face his fears, and to not …

Reviews (1)
big mac and little dipper

Mac and Dipper : The Stair Case in Spanish, pdf version – Mac and Dipper, a classic from Free Kids Books early days, has been translated into Spanish, here’s the free Spanish Children Book in the traditional pdf version. This translation was contributed by Noelia Zaballa of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Author: Danielle Bruckert, Translated by Noelia …
