STEM picture book rube goldberg machine

A Whistling Good Idea – STEM Rube Goldberg machine – Nivi has to turn the cooker off for Ma. It’d be really simple to just turn it off right? But what about if she builds a cool machine to do it for her? This picture book for grades 2 to 5 is a fun read …

Reviews (13)
emotional intelligence activities for kids

Emotional Intelligence is a vital skill for children, often overlooked. Not only is it overlooked, but there is seldom good workbooks available aimed directly at children. This activity book is a treasure trove of wonderful exercises that get kids thinking about their own emotions, create self-esteem, empower good behaviours and habits, and develop consideration for others. …

Reviews (17)
adventure in western ghats - cat in the ghat

The Cat in the Ghat provides a rhyming tale of an exciting adventure in the Western Ghats. The story is inspired by the real-life expeditions of National Geographic explorer, photographer and filmmaker Sandesh Kadur in search of the elusive Pogeyan in the Western Ghats. In the beautifully illustrated picture book, Uncle Sandy (Sandesh Kadur) searches for the mysterious cat, and …

Reviews (3)
welcome to life CC early science children's book

Welcome to Life, an early science book explains in a narrator style to you the reader all about where we are and where we come from. Welcome to life, a creative commons children’s book beautifully tackles complex subjects in very easy to understand and informative way. Ryan aptly subtitles the book, A Guide for New …

Reviews (15)

In Where Does the Sun Go at Night, a sister and brother discuss where the sun might go at night. The younger brother keeps guessing lots of inventive ideas, but the older sister knows best what she’s been taught from books at school and explains to her brother where the sun goes at night. This …

Reviews (5)

Mango Lick wordless book, provides 6 colourful illustrations of the main character, a mango, on a journey with a not so nice surprise ending. The book also provides guidance on how to use wordless books with young children. This book would make a great prompt for creative writing exercises in early grades for school or …

Reviews (2)
more or less - STEM book maths estimating lesson

More or Less? Need to Guess is a fun story about estimating. The lesson of how to estimate is brought across in a fun way using a story of two children counting gift bags for a wedding. The book also contains explanation and exercises at the end for clarity and additional mathematics work. Another great …

Reviews (7)

How Does the Toothpaste get in the Tube – Have you ever wondered how the toothpaste gets in the tube? In How Does the Toothpaste get in the Tube we find out. A wonderful non-fiction story about the history of toothpaste and how toothpaste tubes came about, and most importantly how the toothpaste gets inside. …

Reviews (13)
The tale of the toilet cover

The Tale of the Toilet is a delightfully entertaining non-fiction story bound to entertain children and inspire learning about the history of plumbing and toilet that dates back from a very long time. How toilet are similar or different from other parts of the world. From all around the globe everyone has the same problem …

Reviews (26)
Ammachi's amazing machines STEM picture book

In Ammachi’s Amazing Machines, a children’s STEM book, Ammachi makes coconut cakes using all sorts of amazing devices to make the work easier. At the end of the exiting baking day, the book provides explanations of the mechanical devices Ammachi uses. This story book provides great inspiration for science lessons after reading the story. The …

Reviews (8)