Tag «Spanish»
¿Escuchaste? – Did You Hear? – Early nature book about bird sounds Spanish

¿Escuchaste? – Did You Hear? – Early nature book about bird sounds Spanish this is a non-fiction book about birds and the sound they create when they are talking. The Brahminy who sounds like a baby, the Malabar who whistles happily and many more birds are in this book perfect for a young aspiring ornithologist. …
Nuevo gatito – New Pussy Cat Spanish
¡Dime ahora! – ‘Bueno para ti’ – Tell Me Now! ‘Good For You’ Spanish
Navegando Barcos y Hundiendo Cubiertos – Sailing Ships and Sinking Spoons Spanish

Navegando Barcos y Hundiendo Cubiertos – Sailing Ships and Sinking Spoons Spanish – Tenzin and Tashi where sailing paper boats on a water paths from the rain where they start to wonder why do boats float. On their search they asked Miss Sonam their science teacher. They went to have an experiment to answer their …
Amigos – Friends Spanish
Mi Mejor Amiga – My Best Friend Spanish

Mi Mejor Amiga – My Best Friend Spanish – A little girl plays with her reflection and considers it as her friend. A story about imagination this book is great for boosting your young readers imagination and creativity. This is a level 1 book from Pratham’s Storyweaver licensed under creative commons. Author: Anupa, Lal …
¡Gappu no puede bailar! – Gappu Can’t Dance Spanish

¡Gappu no puede bailar! – Gappu Can’t Dance Spanish – Teacher Komal is showing the class 1A steps for their Wednesday class play. All are following along but Gappu is doing every step wrong. When the teacher told them to jump she sits down. All her classmates laugh at her saying Gappu cannot dance. Will …
Mi hermano y yo – My Brother and Me Spanish
¿Alguna vez has oído cantar a una ballena? – Have You Ever Heard A Whale Sing? Spanish

¿Alguna vez has oído cantar a una ballena? – Have You Ever Heard A Whale Sing? Spanish: Under the ocean lies a big mystery that scientist tries to unfold. A mysterious tune among other sound emitted by a magnificent creature. This sounds varies by species but all are as captivating and melodious and this sounds …