
An adventure about a five-year-old girl who loses her first tooth. She puts it under her pillow as many children do but discovers that there is no tooth or present the next day. She then goes on a quest to solve the mystery with the help of her mom, the Tooth Fairy, and the Tooth …

Reviews (1)

The Good Fox is a fable about a fox who succeeds through kindness. It reinforces how doing good is rewarding and being kind to others is important. The book also has lots of fun repetition so can be suitable for children learning to read. Sample Text from The Good Fox Fox awoke and she was …

Reviews (2)

Two young sisters go on an adventure and find more than they planned. The Golden Flower – Sample Text Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived two sisters named Ariana and Nicoletta. Ariana was the older sister, always taking charge and making sure they stayed out of trouble. Nicoletta, on the …

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Doing Chores

Doing your chores is sometimes hard, see how this child makes it fun and rewarding. A free book by MonkeyPen – where you can order personalised books of your child! See more books by MonkeyPen here on FKB. See more books on Behaviour here on FKB.   Read along with the video of this book, …

Reviews (3)

Baby Thangwang and Bhalluka the Bear are best friends. They like to talk and growl together,  This cute short story has lots of sound words for early readers to practice sounding out or to have fun sounding out when reading to a toddler / kindergartener. Sample Page – Thangwang and Bhalluka Baby Thangwang likes to …


Don’t be a Bully is a short simple book for young children, and beginner ESL readers, promoting values of anti-bullying and anti-discrimination. This book teaches children ten important life lessons about values and the importance of treating everyone equal, no matter what race, religion, gender, or abilities. There are exercises supporting the topics at the …

Reviews (1)

What if you had a manatee in our bathtub, or a bison in your bed? Would you enjoy them there? Wild animals in your house sound like fun but find out more in this fun story that helps children learn the sounds and spelling of ere, ear, ier, air, are. Sample Text and First Page …


The Cat has stolen a sock and then ran off, but is there a reason why she stole the sock? Find out more in Catch that Cat from BookDash. Sample Text from Catch that Cat! Hurry. Hurry! Help me, catch that cat! She stole my sock and ran off … snatch her. Grab her. Catch …

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how to be happy

10 life lessons on how to be happy by 10 friendly animal characters, including sight words and activities, perfect for school use, in a pdf and editable children’s book released under CC-BY-NC.

Reviews (1)

The Confessions of Henry Hooter the Third contains over 50 poems mostly written in rhyme for young children. Sample Text – The Confessions Of Henry Hooter The Third Sadly the dawn light seeps from the skies He closes his eyes Counts black sheep Cannot sleep. “I am tired of being wise … I’m not wise. …
