
The New Kid – Neha has just returned from a long vacation. Her friends give her a warm welcome. But in the time she was gone, a new family has moved in to the housing society and her friends have issues with the new kid. Neha wants to be friendly with him, but will her …

Reviews (110)

How Does the Toothpaste get in the Tube – Have you ever wondered how the toothpaste gets in the tube? In How Does the Toothpaste get in the Tube we find out. A wonderful non-fiction story about the history of toothpaste and how toothpaste tubes came about, and most importantly how the toothpaste gets inside. …

Reviews (13)
The tale of the toilet cover

The Tale of the Toilet is a delightfully entertaining non-fiction story bound to entertain children and inspire learning about the history of plumbing and toilet that dates back from a very long time. How toilet are similar or different from other parts of the world. From all around the globe everyone has the same problem …

Reviews (26)

Tania’s Monsoon Adventure – Tania and her friends are on the way back from a school trip. It is pouring cats and dogs and the roads have started flooding. As the school bus crawls through a water logged street, the engine sputters and chokes and comes to a grinding halt. The kids are stranded. What …

Reviews (19)

Bob And The Cyber-Llama- The story follows the adventures of Bob Halibut, a young man who inherits a tremendous fortune from his grandmother. After meeting her cybernetic llama butler, Jeeves, Bob learns that, in her youth, his grandma was an Indiana Jones-style treasure-hunter. Under Jeeves’ guidance, Bob follows in his grandmother’s footsteps and travels to …

Reviews (6)
Hazmats Middle Grade Fantasy Free Book for Download

Invasion Of The Hazmats – Anyone who can eliminate their enemies by eating them is a formidable foe. Anyone would be the Hazmats, insaniac shape shifters whose mindless greed is threatening the continued existence of the Abyssmal Cities. Is Miriam Mermelstein doomed to follow in their footsteps? Miriam Mermelstein is changing and it’s not puberty. …

Reviews (2)

A Walk Among Trees – STEM Biology Topic for Grade School Kids Trees have been growing on our planet well before human beings appeared on it. Without their comforting shade and tasty fruit, our earth would be quite a barren place. Take a walk among trees in the King’s orchard to savour the taste, the …

Reviews (7)
How the Children Became Stars fables and folk tales

How the Children Became Stars is a collection of 52 fables and folk tales from all over the world. The folk tales provide important morals and life lessons, and help foster an understanding of other cultures. Each folk tale has an activity at the end, which makes it perfect for classroom or home-school use, and …

Reviews (21)
Bunnies From The Future

Bunnies from the Future is an action packed, and incredibly hilarious, middle-grade science fiction. With battles to save the earth and flying lessons combined with cute bunnies and heart warming talking plants, the story that has something for everyone. For Dad’s (or Moms) looking for adventure at bedtime, this is for you!  It’s time for …

Reviews (4)

Gifted is a fantasy/paranormal adventure novel for older children. The first book in the Super Seven Series. Thirteen-year-old Chrissy can read minds and do a few other nifty little tricks, such as levitating small objects. She never realized her gift was such a big deal until her principal, Mr. Kerberos, tells her she has to …

Reviews (4)