
Human Values Foundation Stories on Values is an endearing and beautiful collection of short stories written by children, as selected entries from the Human Values Foundation’s annual Stories on Values competition. This edition is from 2019. The Human Values Foundation has kindly made these available to republish here so as to reach a wider audience …

Reviews (2)

In the harsh Arctic winter a girl, her family, and her dog struggle to survive. When her parents go in search of food the girl has a dream and resurrects the village landmark which in turn brings them good fortune. The book is adorned with gorgeous Inuit inspired art. Terms in the book: inunnguaq – …

Reviews (2)
sugar the robot

Sugar the Robot and The Race To Save Earth is a wonderful early science fiction book. Tim is mad about robots. He even has robot underwear. He dreams of one day having his own robot – and he’d be a good, kind robot too! But that’s likely only possible when he grows up and goes …

Reviews (5)
burly and grum beyond the forest

Burly and Grum: Beyond the Forest – Grum has been thrown out of his home by his two brothers. He has to prove himself as a Groblin before he is allowed back. On his way to figure out how, he meets Burly, a big mellow bear, who takes him under his paw. Hilarious adventures follow. …

Reviews (3)

Art Drawing Games And Activities For Kids           An activity book for kids who love to draw. The entire book is filled with different types of drawing games that children can either play together, with other children, or with the entire family. Lots of puzzles and creative exercises too! By Rachel Goldstein Images from Art Drawing …

Reviews (4)

Getting a vaccination can be very scary. The Friendly Needle, in this charming illustrated story, tells Jack all about how vaccinations can help protect him. After focussing on all the positives, the pinch didn’t hurt Jack as much as he thought it would. If your child needs to get a vaccination this is a great …

Reviews (5)
Biju spins some magic cultural childrens story

Biju Spins Some Magic, a cultural children’s story for early to middle grades, Biju accompanies his father to Delhi to sell the saris. Biju and his family are weavers in rural Odisha. They create beautiful fabrics to sell in the cities of India and abroad. In this tale of Biju’s adventures find out how he  …

Reviews (2)

Earthshaker – Sizo, a really big dinosaur comes to stay. The other dinosaurs find his differences a little annoying, but when trouble comes, they realise being different can be a blessing. By: Emma Laybourn     Text and Images from Earthshaker Chapter One BOOM…BOOM…BOOM… The earth shuddered. Trees shook, dropping leaves on the tidy nest below. The …

Reviews (2)

This is book 34 of The Tania Series. With so many different religions, philosophies, theories and gods, Tania is utterly confused. Who or what is god? How does god affect her life? What does god want her to do? What does science have to say about god? The questions keep piling up. A discussion with …

Reviews (13)
johny jetpack

Johnny Jetpack – Johnny Johnson always dreamed of one day flying through space. When his inventive grandfather builds him a Jetpack for his birthday, he grows as close to obtaining that dream as any small boy can ever hope. But it’s not long before he is faced with the responsibilities that accompany such a magnificent …

Reviews (1)