maths story

One, Three, Five, HELP is a maths story that includes adding exercises and a lesson about odd and even numbers. See more books like this in our Maths category. See more books from the creators in our Pratham-Storyweaver category. Author: Kuzhali Manickavel Illustrator: Sonal Gupta Vaswani     Text and Images from One, Three, Five, HELP …

Reviews (2)
be wise with money financial literacy for upper elementary

Be Wise With Money is a great way to begin teaching financial literacy to children. The book explains all about money, including, the difference between need and want, staying within a budgeting, income versus expenses, different ways to pay, and even includes an example of a small business plan. “Earth provides enough to satisfy every …

Reviews (7)
3rd Grade to 8th Grade Science Text Book

This is a collection of 3rd Grade up to 8th Grade Science Textbooks, it is available in creative commons, the book is based on Utah’s Open Textbook Projects. With the objective to provide teachers, students, and parents with materials that are up to instruction and teaching standards. These books as licensed CC-BY-NC.       3rd Grade …

all about chinchillas

All About Chinchillas is an animal facts book for early grades about the adorable small rodents. This book is brought to us by Free Kids Books creators and is CC-BY-SA, free to share, anyhow you like. If you’re looking for more books about animals, see our animals category.  If you’re looking for more early grade …

Reviews (2)
water cycle picture book

Catch a Ride on Raindrops is a picture book that explains all about the water cycle a very simple way, perfect for elementary school science studies in early grades. This picture book is illustrated with beautiful and very colourful acryllic paintings. Author: Anjali Vaidya, Illustrator: Sayan Mukherjee     Text from Catch a Ride on …

Reviews (1)
where am I nature puzzle

Where am I? is a book which shows different animals camouflaged in their natural habitat, like a nature puzzle. Young children can have fun finding the animals on the page, if you make the images smaller initially and zoon in until the animal can be spotted it can be a fun game. Each animal has …

Reviews (1)
at least I'm okay picture book about climate change

At Least I’m Okay tells a poignant story about an attitude that is too frequent among us related to climate change. In this important picture book about climate change, the main character, Una the mountain goat, ignores all the changes around her as her friends leave one by one, thinking, “At least I’m Okay”. The …

Reviews (2)
tina says life skills

The Tina Says series is a picture book series that teaches children life skills. This book set is Tina Says series 1, including 2 books. The titles of each book examine the word each book teaches, the books all teach about an important skill, as follows: Book 1 – Tina Says Opportunity Book 2 – …

Reviews (2)
Music Theory Introduction for middle-grade

Music Fundamentals 3, Minor scales and keys, is the third book in the introductory music theory textbooks, perfect for beginners. This book includes practice exercises and so makes a nice workbook for school, homeschool, or music teachers. The level of this book makes it suitable for middle grades but can be used as a reference …

introduction to clouds for children

Clouds out my window all about clouds from NOAA – is an awesome comprehensive book which explains all about clouds for upper elementary or middle-grade children in a very easy to understand way. This book was written by John Jensenius a Meteorologist with the National Weather Service, a department of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration …
