my dream in the drawer rhyming inspiration

My Dream in a Drawer is a rhyming inspirational picture book which is certain to inspire children to foster a dream. A short book suitable for young children, kindergarten and early elementary. This is another awesome creative commons book from Bookdash. Illustrated by Megan Lötter Written by Fred Strydom Designed by Marteli Kleyn Edited by …

Reviews (7)
Introduction to Biology Wikibooks

In an Introduction to Biology, a textbook for upper elementary and middle grade, published by Wikijunior, we learn about a range of topics, including a detailed look at the human body and cells, and an overview of kingdoms, archaea, bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and animals. This text is available in creative commons (CC-BY-SA), so you …

school journal from the himalayas

How to Solve a Problem Like Himani, is a school journal from the Himalayas. Himani writes in her journal about life at school and at home in a village in the Northern Indian region of Uttarakhand, on the Southern slopes of the Himalaya range. The story takes you through her diary entries as she learns the …

Reviews (2)
Why Don't Birds Comb Their Hair? - Inspiring early nature projects about birds

Why Don’t Birds Comb Their Hair? Early nature projects about birds This is a cute book featuring a number of different bird types. This book can be a fun starting point for more research about birds. Author: Suchi Govindarajan, Illustrator: Anjora Noronha     Birds featured in this book: – Himalayan Monal – Eurasian Spoonbill …

Reviews (1)
Music Theory Introduction for middle-grade

Music Theory Introduction for middle-grade, is an introduction to music theory, explaining the basics, first principals, in simple, easy to understand terms, suitable for middle-grade.  This first volume in the series covers pitch and pitch notation, and major scales and keys including the circle of fifths. This is the first in a series of three …

recipes for healthy kids cookbook cover

The Recipes for Healthy Kids Cookbook is an amazing publication, beautifully presented, easy to read, made by children for children, in a US-wide competition from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). The book was created from over three hundred submissions. The competition and this resulting healthy kids cookbook was a collective effort from USDA, the …

Reviews (2)
5 fun bedtime stories from a month of bedtime stories

5 Fun Bedtime Stories contains five amazing adventures. In each adventure, the centre of the story is the listener, and mysteriously for a host of reasons, the listener has forgotten, so the reader reminds them of everything that happened during the day. From aliens to submarines, underground adventures to pirates this book has it all. …

Reviews (5)
lessons in buoyancy children's picture book

In Sailing Ships and Sinking Spoons – lessons in buoyancy, Tenzin and Tashi, two young Tibetan monks, and Genla, the beloved storyteller of the monastery, wonder why a small steel spoon sinks in water but a huge ship floats. Their science teacher Miss Sonam helps them experiment with an apple, a spoon and a tub-full …

all free kids crafts holiday and seasonal crafts

These seasonal and holiday crafts books provided in this post, from All Free Kids Crafts are all seasonal theme, perfect for teaching children about the different changing weather and seasons of the year. The All Free Kids Crafts website provides an amazing number of craft books all totally free in pdf version. We have hosted …

Kung-fu grasshoppers short story for kids

In The Kung-Fu Grasshoppers, the grasshopper’s children are taken prisoner by a hungry monster. Two strangers arrive in the grasshopper village, an old man and his granddaughter. Who are they, and can they help to save the grasshopper children from the evil monster who holds them prisoner in the nearby woods? This suspense-filled tale of …

Reviews (1)