Pepper and Carrot Episode 14 pdf image

Pepper and Carrot Episode 14 PDF Another amazing episode in the Pepper and Carrot comic, in The Dragon’s Tooth Pepper comes up with a novel solution for a problem, but is it the right problem she’s solving to begin with? This comic with the beautiful illustrations and endearing characters is brought to us in Creative …

Reviews (18)

Sani loves her cat Suri. One day Suri is missing. Sani searches high and low, far and wide, will she find Suri? This is a level 1 book for children just beginning on their reading journey. Sample Text from Sani and Suri Sani had a small cat. Its name was Suri. Sani loved Suri very …

Reviews (2)
mine wants aride

Minny Wants a Ride – Minny sees the chair and wants a ride – is she injured, or disabled, or lazy? Or is it just in her nature? A public domain book from Pratham. By: Pratham Public Domain       See more books about diversity and differences below    

bow meow wow

Bow Meow Wow a fun and action packed wordless picture book from Pratham Books.  Perfect for pet lovers, here we see cat and dog chasing each other while ending up covered in paint, but the result might not be better than expected. This is a Level 1 picture book perfect for very young children. The …

Reviews (4)
pepper and carrot episode 2 remixed popular webcomic

In Episode 2 of Pepper and Carrot, Carrot has his eyes on a rainbow potion. Is it going to be a good idea to sneak around behind Pepper’s back or not? Download or read online this adapted version of Pepper and Carrot – The Rainbow potion, a popular webcomic to find out. Pepper and Carrot …

Reviews (17)
roy the rat and his six thinking hats

Roy the Rat has six thinking hats that he use whenever he wants to enter the process of making a decision. These hats help him approach situations carefully, by judging from different angles, and assist to avoid making hasty decisions or mistakes. This is a great technique that children can learn to apply in day …

Reviews (5)
Samuel Whiskers Roly Poly Pudding

In this classic Beatrix Potter tale, a naughty Tom Kitten gets tangled up in Samuel Whiskers Roly Poly Pudding, totally unable to escape. Will Samuel Whiskers have kitten pie for dinner, or will someone come to Tom’s rescue? This version compiled and formatted by Kiwi Opa (Peter Whittaker) is suitable and best viewed on screen. …

Reviews (3)
the stinky kitten - childrens story

The Stinky Kitten, a children’s story about a naughty kitten, follows a delightful tale of a little kitten who gets himself in trouble. He finds that the most unlikely of friends are the ones that help him out the most. The moral – judge your friends by their acts not their words. Sample Text from …

Reviews (5)
hello kitty sight words free children's book cover

An early reader with some cute kitties, word/image recognition and repetition along with words lists makes it suitable for learning to read age children. Sample Page from Hello Kitty – Will You Play With Me? This book is published by the FKB Editor, more books from the FKB series are available here: More books …


This very cute non-fiction book for young children is all about wild cats, from common big cats to more diverse, it also makes a great learning to read age book which can spark some research ideas for homeschool or general interest study. Wild Cat! Wild Cat! Is a creative commons book from Storyweaver, rated as level …

Reviews (4)