El enfado de Akku – Angry Akku Spanish – Having children tell you things that upset them could be hard sometimes. Just like in this story where Akku gets off from school all angry and upset. She won’t even speak to her dad without acting up. As her father tries to talk to her he even tries to offer her food and milk which seems to do the trick.
Author: Vinayak Varma Illustrator: Vinayak Varma
Text and Images from El enfado de Akku
QCuando sonó la última campana de la escuela, todos los niños se rieron y gritaron de alegría.
Todos, excepto Akku. ¡Akku estaba ENFADADA!
“Akku! Akku, mira los
bonitos girasoles!”-dijo
1Appa mientras pasaban
por un campo.
AMARILLOS! ¡Me duelen los
ojos!” Dijo Akku.
(1. Appa – Se refiere a ‘padre’
en el sur de India.)
<end of sample>
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El enfado de Akku English version below:
Angry Akku – Children’s Story on Handling Emotions
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