Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10

Area – Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics  is a Grade 10, Literacy Foundations Level 7, maths textbook available as an open education resource for non-profit, CC-BY-NC. The maths textbook, Area, is made up of several lessons. Lessons, Essential Questions, Focus, Get Started, Activities, Explore, Bringing Ideas Together and Lesson Summary. This school/adult education textbook is from Open School BC, a distance learning …


This is a collection of ten PDF textbooks for Apprenticeship and Workplace Math, Grade 10 level, released under Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC). The textbooks here include study guides for Angles, Area, Imperial System, The Metric System, Being Paid on the Job, Linear Measurement, Making Purchases, Triangles and Other Polygons, Trigonometry 1, and Trigonometry II. The aim of …

Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10 Making Purchases

This ebook Making Purchases is maths related to buying and selling, made up of several lessons as detailed below. The content includes Lessons, Essential Questions, Focus, Get Started, Activities, Explore, Bringing Ideas Together, and Lesson Summary. Open School BC Provides support, educational resources, and tools that are designed for K-12 Students, adult learners, parents, and teachers. These school textbooks are from Open …

Reviews (1)
always be nice

Always be Nice is a short book for young children promoting kindness and manners and can be used as an early reader. The book is perfect for building confidence in reading with only 28 words most of which are simple words. This book also teaches kids ten important lessons about being kind to others. Each …

Reviews (1)
a beautiful day picture book

A Beautiful Day is a picture book for young readers about a fun family day out. It’s a beautiful day for a picnic, and everyone wants to join in the fun. Nicholas, his Mom and Dad, his friend Jacob, little sister, and all the animals go on a day out to have a picnic by the …

Reviews (5)
first animal book

In My First Animal Book, the book shows a series of colourful painted images of animals with the animal name. This book is suited for babies and toddlers to learn the animal names. By: Free Kids Books           Sample from My First Book of Animals <end of sample> Looking for early learning …

Reviews (1)
all about chinchillas

All About Chinchillas is an animal facts book for early grades about the adorable small rodents. This book is brought to us by Free Kids Books creators and is CC-BY-SA, free to share, anyhow you like. If you’re looking for more books about animals, see our animals category.  If you’re looking for more early grade …

Reviews (2)
hole in the wall

Why is there a hole in the wall? Explores all the possibilities of what might have caused the hole in the wall. Imaginative reasoning and different ideas give many ideas for discussion with young readers. This story is brought to us by BookDash.BookDash believes every child should own a hundred books by the age of …

Reviews (2)
water cycle picture book

Catch a Ride on Raindrops is a picture book that explains all about the water cycle a very simple way, perfect for elementary school science studies in early grades. This picture book is illustrated with beautiful and very colourful acryllic paintings. Author: Anjali Vaidya, Illustrator: Sayan Mukherjee     Text from Catch a Ride on …

Reviews (1)
where am I nature puzzle

Where am I? is a book which shows different animals camouflaged in their natural habitat, like a nature puzzle. Young children can have fun finding the animals on the page, if you make the images smaller initially and zoon in until the animal can be spotted it can be a fun game. Each animal has …

Reviews (1)