Frogs is a short, early non-fiction book aimed at first graders. Perfect for early science lessons, and inspiring class projects. This is another great creative commons book from Mustard Seed Books.
Guided Reading: E, Grade Level: 1.4, Reading Recovery: 8
Word Count: 139, Pages 8, Mustard Seed Set 2 – Mid 1st Grade
Excerpt from the Book:
Frogs are small animals that can live on land and in water. <Page 1>
Frogs lay lots of eggs in the water that hatch into tadpoles. Tadpoles look like little fish. <Page 2>
Page Sample:
Frogs – An Early Non Fiction Book From Mustard Seed Books
About Mustard Seed Books
The Mustard Seed Books project uses an open-source, Wikipedia-type strategy, leveraging public expertise to create and refine a set of high-quality books that support early reading development.
All of the books and pictures are covered by the Creative Commons License ( ) and are free to print, distribute, and modify for personal or educational use.
The books are available at New titles appear on a regular basis. If you have any ideas for books or would like to leave us any feedback, contact
About the Books in the Series
These books for beginning readers support phonics-based classroom instruction by including a high concentration of phonetically regular words, as well as the most commonly used sight words. However, the books are written using pictures and stories that make sense and promote both language and conceptual development.
The books encourage questions, conversations and thoughtful engagement, aiming towards the new common core standards. Our intent is to produce books that kids want to read, think about, talk about and read again.
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It was OK
very helpful with beginner readers
Yes, I liked a lot. It is good for children to gain more vocabulary and learn new facts on frogs.
Great resources!!
I loved this booked!! My son was able to complete a homework assignment from this website! You rock!