
We’ve published all 8 books in the Billy Growing Up Series, and now this wonderful colouring book is available as an extra activity. See all the book series of Billy Growing Up here: or see below:  

Everyone has a right to a bath STEM

Everyone Has a Right to a Bath is a STEM story with a wonderful introduction to the engineering problem-solving process. Mrs Earthworm wants a hot bath, and Mr Earthworm needs to work out how to make it happen for her. Author and Illustrator: Cyrille Largillier Download or read the flipbook on the buttons below the …

Reviews (2)

Instead of just reading books together at bedtime, aspiring young authors can now make their own book and share it! Spark imagination with the most popular children’s book genres and learn about story structure and creative writing. In this book, Write your Own Mystery Book, there are intriguing prompts of xxx and much more, to …

Reviews (2)
geology grade 4 reader

Geology – The Changing Earth is designed as a non-fiction reader for ELA grade 4, but can also be used as a science text for study in earth sciences. Students explore how different geological processes shape the earth’s landscape and related environments. the book explains how the earth is composed of layers that, through heat …

Reviews (2)

Bulli is a little girl growing up in a bamboo-weavers’ community. Bulli finds her father troubled and discovers the bamboo suppliers threatened to raise the rates and put their whole village in jeopardy. Bulli looks for other ways of finding bamboo, and ends up facing the legendary tiger! Will the villagers find another way? Shalini …

Reviews (2)
Elementary School Geometery

This workbook provides explanations and exercises stepping through aspects of elementary school geometry from drawing a line and defining a point, up to an introduction to Pythagoras’ theorem, irrational numbers, and fractals. A perfect workbook for homeschooling, classroom use where no prescribed text is available, or for after-school study to help re-enforce the concepts learned …

thinking skills comic

This comic, Thinking Skills, brought to us by Siyavula, teaches incredibly important rationalization and study skills important to any field, scientific and otherwise. The concepts are explained in a user-friendly comic style, including detailed graphical representation and simple explanations. The topics covered are as follows: Classifying things – page 1 Concept mapping – page 11 …

Reviews (2)

Sarah Sues Santa – Sarah Pebbleton has been an angel all year, writing to Santa and doing everything she’s told. But Santa still didn’t bring her exactly what she wanted! This is the last straw, Sarah furious, writes back to Santa, one more letter: to tell him she’ll be suing him. The reply Sarah gets …

Reviews (2)
the girl who stayed awake

The Girl Who Stayed Awake – A story about fantasy Each night, Lucy-Go-Lucky drifts into a slumber rich in magical landscapes and mystical creatures. But trouble comes when she tries to take the contents of her dreams back to her waking life. She grows frustrated when her dreams melt into thin air and determines never …

Reviews (4)
Forests for the People

Forests for the People – And old man and a young man take a walk in the forest, the young man learns a lot about how important trees are to our lives, changing his attitude towards nature, he shares this with his girlfriend. A beautiful picture book with many interesting facts about forests, throughout the …

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