Tine Mena biography for children

In Tine and the Faraway Mountain we follow the story of Tine Mena, a mountineer, who at the age of 25 became the first woman from North-East India to climb Everest. Tine Mena was a young girl from  Mishmi hills of Arunachal Pradesh who heard the calling of the mountains. She had to hide her …

Reviews (5)
robot fish - marine robots introduction for early elementary

Are you a Fish is a STEM level 2 ebook from Pratham about robot fish, a perfect book for early elementary school science to introduce children to the amazing world of marine robots. This book can be a stepping stone into a research project on the different types of marine robots available. Sample Pages from …

Reviews (2)
bird sounds

In Did you Hear? we hear a range of different bird sounds, the brahminy kite, the malabar the dove, the coppersmith and the racket tailed drongo who copies them all. You’ll love this book if you enjoy making fun sounds like bird calls. The book is level 1 suitable for young children, but it might …


In The Magic Letter, a mystery letter from a friend results in a problem-solving exercise and provides a fun science experiment. Find out how to write a secret message in this fun STEM story book. Author: Aaquib Jaleel, Illustrator: Shreya Sen         Text from The Magic Letter Ijas lives in Haryana and …

Reviews (5)
The girl who could not stop laughing - picture book about laughing

In The Girl Who Could Not Stop Laughing, we hear a tale of a girl who keeps laughing. And we learn while it might cause problems in class, as long as you’re not laughing at someone in a nasty way, laughing is very good for all of us and makes us feel good. Author: Meera …

Reviews (3)
animal homes early nature book

In Animal Homes, we learn about where different animals live. This is a perfect early nature lesson for young children in early grades or kindergarten and can be combined with a nature walk to find different animal homes. This is a level 1 book from Pratham, recommended for beginner readers, or kindergarten children. Author: Ashwitha …

Reviews (1)
school journal from the himalayas

How to Solve a Problem Like Himani, is a school journal from the Himalayas. Himani writes in her journal about life at school and at home in a village in the Northern Indian region of Uttarakhand, on the Southern slopes of the Himalaya range. The story takes you through her diary entries as she learns the …

Reviews (2)
Why Don't Birds Comb Their Hair? - Inspiring early nature projects about birds

Why Don’t Birds Comb Their Hair? Early nature projects about birds This is a cute book featuring a number of different bird types. This book can be a fun starting point for more research about birds. Author: Suchi Govindarajan, Illustrator: Anjora Noronha     Birds featured in this book: – Himalayan Monal – Eurasian Spoonbill …

Reviews (1)
watch out the tiger is here short story for toddlers and early readers about tigers

The tiger is a big cat, and he needs to hunt often, but why does everyone know he is here? Find out in Watch Out the Tiger is Here, a short beautifully illustrated picturebook for young children about a tiger. This book is a creative commons book brought to us by Pratham and Storyweaver. The …

Reviews (3)
lessons in buoyancy children's picture book

In Sailing Ships and Sinking Spoons – lessons in buoyancy, Tenzin and Tashi, two young Tibetan monks, and Genla, the beloved storyteller of the monastery, wonder why a small steel spoon sinks in water but a huge ship floats. Their science teacher Miss Sonam helps them experiment with an apple, a spoon and a tub-full …
