story about a disabled kitten

The Amazing Max and the Young Inventor follows the story of a disabled kitty Max on his journey to acceptance. Along the way meet his adoptive family Bill & Kate, the Young Inventor Marc, and wise old Seymour the Blue-Tongue lizard who all help to shape an amazingly wonderful and rewarding future for a “special …

Reviews (1)
maths story

One, Three, Five, HELP is a maths story that includes adding exercises and a lesson about odd and even numbers. See more books like this in our Maths category. See more books from the creators in our Pratham-Storyweaver category. Author: Kuzhali Manickavel Illustrator: Sonal Gupta Vaswani     Text and Images from One, Three, Five, HELP …

Reviews (2)
Cats! An early reader about cats

Cats! Provides an early reader about cats for cat lovers everywhere. See all the cats and follow their adventures in simple phrases and words for learning and progressive readers. Cat lovers will enjoy this beautifully photographed children’s picture book. Cats! is a Bookbot book, Bookbot is an app that helps children learn to read independently …

Reviews (5)
animal habitats in India

We Love Our Home is a story about animal habitats in India. This is a great nature ebook for early elementary that combines biology and  geography, Have some fun looking up the animal types and the locations, make a project out of researching each species and location, there are very unique and special conservation values …

Reviews (1)
children stories with a moral

Children’s Stories With a Moral – Two illustrated children’s stories with a moral: The Legend of the Black Sea- a story which shows that strength of character, and belief in the good in everything is above all else; The old fisherman had a good dog, Boley, and an evil black cat, Sershina. “Master, this cat …

Reviews (5)

A book about the history of fighter planes and the fascinating and important role they played in various battles of World War 2. The book discusses various makes and models of fighter planes from different countries, describes some exciting air combat operations during World War 2 and recommends some excellent comic books with stories about …

Reviews (1)
prism palace - STEM for girls

Prism Palace is the story of a little girl who gets a prism for her birthday and learns alot about light and how it bends and forms a rainbow. Tess Renee gets more than she bargained for with her new birthday present, a light fairy, a rainbow elf, and a lot of knowledge about light wavelengths …

Reviews (3)

Who Just Went By – Animal Tracks introduces young readers to the concept of animal footprints in an exciting way, each page having a set of footprints to guess who just went by. Author: Radha Rangarajan, Illustrator: Kalp Sanghvi Sample Pages from Who Just Went By – Animal Tracks <End of Sample pages> Read the …

Reviews (2)
Mission Cycle, Curfew

Mission Cycle is a tale of learning to ride a bicycle and at the same time an experience of Curfew through a child’s eyes. Author: Rohini Mohan, Illustrator: Jayesh Sivan Sample Text from Mission Cycle Is it morning already? Why didn’t Ammi or Abbu wake me up? Did they forget I have school? Did they …

Reviews (1)
marine conservation protect the ocean activity book

Marine Conservation Activity Book – For future marine biologists this book makes a perfect way to pass the time. The Protect our Oceans a marine conservation activity ebook contains lots of marine conservation-based activities such as a find the word game, matching puzzles, a drawing activity, and a colouring activity, along with lots of facts …
