
In Sticky Brains, Aria is having a tough week. All she remembers is the bad stuff that happens. Then she discovers something amazing: her brain gets good at what it practices (yours does too). She learns to make good thoughts stick too, just by paying attention in a new way. Join Aria in exploring how …

Reviews (5)

I Feel… is a book for young children to explore their emotions. Explore each emotion with your little one and ask your child when they felt the same and what could they do. Early steps to emotional intelligence!

sizwe's smile give back with optimism

A smile is a thing you can give away and keep, it costs nothing, it makes everyone feel good, and it’s contagious. In Sizwe’s smile we find out more about how a big smile can go a long way to make everyone happy. This book was brought to us by BookDash, a literacy non-profit aimed …

Reviews (1)

Short and Super Short Stories for Teens is a medley of romance, science-fiction, humour, social issues, fantasy, suspense, and fun. It’s a diverse collection of stories to satisfy the many complex hues of teenage emotion. This story is brought to us by Kanika G, who writes many popular stories for children available here on free …

Reviews (6)
Children's story about courage

Khuzwayo is picked to be the village’s next Ingoma dancer, to celebrate the first crops of the year, but will he have the courage to dance?     \               Illustrated by Jess Jardim-Wedepohl Written by Fiske Serah Nyirongo Designed by Job Mubinya Another amazing story from, aiming …

how to be happy

10 life lessons on how to be happy by 10 friendly animal characters, including sight words and activities, perfect for school use, in a pdf and editable children’s book released under CC-BY-NC.

Reviews (1)
brave knights need help

  Brave Knights, Bullies, and Emotional Intelligence – I found this quote on Bookbot, (To give credit where it’s deserved!) on an absolutely inspiring post they put up with quotes about dyslexia, for example, one says something like  “I don’t suffer from Dyslexia, I suffer from ignorance from those who think it is a disability.” …
