dive young childrens non fiction

Dive! explores the underwater world, stepping you through the experience of going scuba diving on a coral reef. Take a dive with us into the spectacular world of coral reefs, and catch a glimpse of some strange and beautiful sea creatures!   Written and Illustrated by: Rajiv Eipe The book has very clear images of …

Reviews (2)

All Seasons is an early reader, rhyming book about seasons aimed at kindergarten children. The book is in a reader-friendly open dyslexic text. By: Free Kids Books     Sample Text and Images From All Seasons: Summer, Fall …Winter, spring. There are four seasons The year will bring. Winter Is cold. In some places it snows. We love lighting …

Reviews (11)

A Tiny Seed – Wangari Maathai understood that a lot can be achieved for the world by planting a tiny seed and letting it grow. Through her belief and her dreams for her country and people, she became the first black woman to win the Nobel Prize. This inspiring true story for children is brought …

Reviews (6)

An amazingly cute book about a baby jaguar, from Mustard Seed Books. This book has 84 words, and is levelled at Guided Reading Level D. It’s recommended for classroom or homeschool use for kindergarten/foundation and early grades, or for early ESL readers. By: Mustard Seed  

Reviews (6)

Bears – A non-fiction book about bears, suitable for reading and projects in early grades, guided reading level F, word count 147, also available in Spanish on our ‘more’ page. Another great non-fiction creative commons levelled reader from Mustard Seed Books. By: Mustard Seed    

Reviews (5)

Tigers – A non-fiction book all about tigers. This book is levelled to guided reading Level H, for grades 1 to 2 with 245 words. Learn simple facts about tigers as reading and science subjects for early elementary school children. Another great creative commons book from Mustard Seed Books. By: Mustard Seed This book is also available …

Reviews (15)

Sunflowers – A short non-fiction book about Sunflowers. Another great non-fiction Creative Commons book from Mustard Seed, approx. 150 words. This book will teach children facts about sunflowers, how it grow and how long it will grow. Children will be surprise to know that they can eat a part of this flower. By: Elizabeth Kim, MustardSeed …

Reviews (4)

Sharks – A short non-fiction book about Sharks, perfect for introducing young children to non-fiction books, or school projects and self-study for early grades. Another great non-fiction Creative Commons book from Mustard Seed, approximately 300 words. By: Mustard Seed, Elizabeth Kim See this book also in Spanish here: Text and Images from Sharks Sharks are a kind of …

Reviews (15)

A spelling and writing workbook children learning to read, covering some aspects of Grade 1 competency, approximately 4 to 6 year old level. This book includes simple three letter word reading and spelling, first 100 high frequency words, and more. This book is available in creative commons non-commercial attribution license (CC-NC-BY). An editable version of …

Reviews (1)
little lion

Little Lion – A very cute account of a baby lion’s day, aimed at young children or those learning to read. Another great Creative Commons book from Mustard Seed. This book is rated to Guided Reading D, Grade Level 1.3. perfect for early readers who want to start reading or expand their vocabulary. The book …

Reviews (7)