
Story of Solar Energy – A comprehensive look at solar energy in a comic book style layout. This book includes a review of energy and industrialisation, the current state of solar energy and how important it is to our future, and several solar energy projects. This book is very suitable for researching school science projects …

Reviews (2)

The Story Of Physics A comic book style story about the progress and concepts of physics through the ages. Great for a school project and for learning history. A Public Domain book from Arvind Gupta Toys. By: Avinash Deshpande    


Frogs is a short, early non-fiction book aimed at first graders. Perfect for early science lessons, and inspiring class projects. This is another great creative commons book from Mustard Seed Books. By: Mustard Seed Guided Reading: E, Grade Level: 1.4, Reading Recovery: 8 Word Count: 139, Pages 8,  Mustard Seed Set 2 – Mid 1st Grade Excerpt from the Book: Frogs …

Reviews (5)
journey into the net

Journey into the net is a cyberspace children’s adventure for children and adults. A subtle analogy on cyberspace to date including appearances from all sorts of familiar heroes and villains (including FKB’s latest favourite the infamous WP). This book is brought to us by MonsterPost, supplying themes, skins and all things related to blogs and websites. Author Helga Moreno, Illustratrated by Marina …

Reviews (3)
tanias martian encounter

Tania’s back with more adventures in Tania’s Martian Encounter.  In Tania’s latest adventure, she’s heard about the new discovery of water on Mars. It’s simply fascinating, and Mama explains to her all about the planets and how important the discovery is. Tania’s uncle works for NASA and is coming to visit, so she is expecting …

Reviews (3)

A Walk Among Trees – STEM Biology Topic for Grade School Kids Trees have been growing on our planet well before human beings appeared on it. Without their comforting shade and tasty fruit, our earth would be quite a barren place. Take a walk among trees in the King’s orchard to savour the taste, the …

Reviews (7)
Ammachi's amazing machines STEM picture book

In Ammachi’s Amazing Machines, a children’s STEM book, Ammachi makes coconut cakes using all sorts of amazing devices to make the work easier. At the end of the exiting baking day, the book provides explanations of the mechanical devices Ammachi uses. This story book provides great inspiration for science lessons after reading the story. The …

Reviews (8)
The tale of the toilet cover

The Tale of the Toilet is a delightfully entertaining non-fiction story bound to entertain children and inspire learning about the history of plumbing and toilet that dates back from a very long time. How toilet are similar or different from other parts of the world. From all around the globe everyone has the same problem …

Reviews (26)

How Does the Toothpaste get in the Tube – Have you ever wondered how the toothpaste gets in the tube? In How Does the Toothpaste get in the Tube we find out. A wonderful non-fiction story about the history of toothpaste and how toothpaste tubes came about, and most importantly how the toothpaste gets inside. …

Reviews (13)
the tree nature book for young children

In The Tree, a children’s nature storybook for very young children, we see the various parts of the tree and life cycle introduced in a repetitive manner with beautiful illustrations. Great nature book for very young children. Lots of repetition in the text makes it a nice book for early readers. Author: Usha Rane Illustrator: …

Reviews (7)