Volando alto – Spanish version of Flying High. A young is flying high in his dream. A beautiful story with a lot of colorful pictures to keep small children’s attention. The repetitive simple text makes this perfect as an early reader, for children learning to read.
La canción de la Madre era suave y dulce.
Chandu la estaba escuchando. Chandu cayó dormida.
En sus sueños, estaba volando.
Volando y volando en un jardín. ¡Mirad! Una mariposa, tan bonita.
La mariposa dijo, “¡Bueno, hola! ¿Qué tal estás?”
“Bien, gracias” respondió Chandu.
<end of excerpt>
About Pratham, Read India
Pratham Books was set up in 2004, as part of the Read India movement, a nation-wide campaign to promote reading among children. Pratham Books is a not-for-profit organization that publishes quality books for children in multiple Indian languages.
Pratham’s mission is to see “a book in every child’s hand” and democratize the joy of reading.
Pratham’s books are available now in digital form on the Storyweaver platform.
Counting Cabbages – Early grade maths-Doobie, Maya, and Duksie help Mama K in her vegetable garden on Saturday mornings so that Baba K can take the vegetables to the market. In this cute story the three children count the cabages into the boxes then the boxes into the truck, then they count out a treat they have to share. Have ...
Hindu Religion, Culture, and Traditions for Children – Volume 6 There in Only God-The book details a dialogue between a Grandmother and her grandchildren. In the introduction she explains a little about different religions, then proceeds to explain to her Granddaughters aspects of Hinduism. In this, volume 6, she describes about meditation and prayer. Sample Text from Brahma Vishnu Mahesha – There in Only God Anji – Nani, ...
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Eleonora Thistletail – Illustrate your own book!-A fun story about a lion who uses her wits to turn her unique attributes, which seemed to be a liability, to her pride’s advantage. This is an illustrate your own book story with prompts for your child to draw, making it their very own storybook. Sample Page from Eleonora Thistletail See more children’s books ...
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See more books in Spanish below
¡Hogar dulce hogar! – The Best House Of All Spanish-¡Hogar dulce hogar! – The Best House Of All Spanish – What does it take to build a house? what do you need and where is the right place to build a house? These are some of the questions that is going to be answered in this book about a girl who aspires to become ...
La Carrera – The Race Spanish-La Carrera – The Race Spanish – A short story with simple words that provides easy reading for children. In this story, the children are having a toy car race. The book has illustrations that demonstrate what is being told in the story so children can understand the words. This is a level 1 Spanish ...
¿Dónde está Sapito? – Have you seen Sundari? Spanish-¿Dónde está Sapito? – Have you seen Sundari? Spanish – Sundari a frog who loves to hide is hiding on every page of the book. Help this little girl as she goes to search for her friend Sundari. A fun game for young children that will encourage them to read and observe every page of ...
Biju teje magia – Biju Spins Some Magic Spanish-Biju teje magia – Biju Spins Some Magic Spanish – Biju is from a family of handloom weavers he was born in the village of Jilminda. His father does not believe that his son Biju needs to attend school as it will only give funny ideas to Biju about working in an office. Biju convinced ...
El enfado de Akku – Angry Akku Spanish-El enfado de Akku – Angry Akku Spanish – Having children tell you things that upset them could be hard sometimes. Just like in this story where Akku gets off from school all angry and upset. She won’t even speak to her dad without acting up. As her father tries to talk to her he ...
Tórtola – Turtle Dove Spanish-Tórtola – Turtle Dove Spanish – This is a cute short story about a turtle dove and the things that it can and cannot do. This is suited for young readers who like to improve their Spanish reading skills. The book contains simple easy to understand words. Author: All Children Reading Cambodia Illustrator: Choeurn Brus ...
Quién es? – Who is it? Spanish-Quién es? – Who is it? Spanish – A short story about animals and sound. As in the story Priya hears a sound and went out to investigate what is making that sound. A short story that is perfect for young readers. This book has repetition and simple to understand words. This is a level ...
El efecto dominó – A Whistling Good Idea Spanish-El efecto dominó – A Whistling Good Idea Spanish – In this book the concept of Rube Goldberg is being introduced to young readers as Nivi our main protagonist lines up things that will cause the stove switch to turn off once the cooker’s starts to whistle. Rude Goldberg concept works on the principle of ...
El dolor de muelas real – The Royal Toothache – Colouring and hygiene Spanish-El dolor de muelas real – The Royal Toothache – Colouring and hygiene Spanish – Having a tooth ache, and no one is there to help because everyone is scared of the very thing that you are in pain with your sharp teeth, is terrible. Who could be able to solve the problem the king ...
¿Escuchaste? – Did You Hear? – Early nature book about bird sounds Spanish-¿Escuchaste? – Did You Hear? – Early nature book about bird sounds Spanish this is a non-fiction book about birds and the sound they create when they are talking. The Brahminy who sounds like a baby, the Malabar who whistles happily and many more birds are in this book perfect for a young aspiring ornithologist. ...
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Comments 4
Nice book. A couple of phrases I’m not familiar with–agrozar? Estaban sonreian?
Nice book. A couple of phrases I’m not familiar with–agrozar? Estaban sonreian?
i know a lot of Spanish try looking the word up because almost everyone ho knows this speaks Spanish
yes amazing
A good story and a nice interface!