This workbook provides explanations and exercises stepping through aspects of elementary school geometry from drawing a line and defining a point, up to an introduction to Pythagoras’ theorem, irrational numbers, and fractals. A perfect workbook for homeschooling, classroom use where no prescribed text is available, or for after-school study to help re-enforce the concepts learned at school. Elementary School Geometry provides simple easy to understand explanations and exercises to consolidate.
Geometry is a wonderful discipline to engage a love of maths, especially for those not numerically orientated since it is a graphical or visual representation of the essential basis for many mathematical proofs. This is a perfect guide for parents or teachers working with a child to explain the amazing field of geometry.
The book is based on the classic concepts from Euclid’s Elements.
This book is brought to us by Wikibooks, and is available in the creative commons with a GNU free document license.
Chapters in Elementary School Geometry:
Our tools: Ruler and compass
Constructing an equilateral triangle
Copying a line segment
Constructing a triangle
Why the constructions are not correct? The Side-Side-Side congruence theorem Copying a triangle
Copying an angle
Bisecting an angle
The Side-Angle-Side congruence theorem Bisecting a segment
Some impossible constructions Pythagorean theorem Parallel lines
A proof of irrationality
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