story about a disabled kitten

The Amazing Max and the Young Inventor follows the story of a disabled kitty Max on his journey to acceptance. Along the way meet his adoptive family Bill & Kate, the Young Inventor Marc, and wise old Seymour the Blue-Tongue lizard who all help to shape an amazingly wonderful and rewarding future for a “special …

Reviews (1)
emotional intelligene for teens activity book

An emotional intelligence activity book, aimed at helping teens with their emotional management. Introduction – Emotional Intelligence for Teens Emotional Intelligence is a wide range of skills that children of all ages can develop and improve. These skills are critical for emotional well-being and life success. This section of the Youth Deployment Activity Guide is …

Reviews (7)

A book about the history of fighter planes and the fascinating and important role they played in various battles of World War 2. The book discusses various makes and models of fighter planes from different countries, describes some exciting air combat operations during World War 2 and recommends some excellent comic books with stories about …

Reviews (1)
children stories with a moral

Children’s Stories With a Moral – Two illustrated children’s stories with a moral: The Legend of the Black Sea- a story which shows that strength of character, and belief in the good in everything is above all else; The old fisherman had a good dog, Boley, and an evil black cat, Sershina. “Master, this cat …

Reviews (5)
prism palace - STEM for girls

Prism Palace is the story of a little girl who gets a prism for her birthday and learns alot about light and how it bends and forms a rainbow. Tess Renee gets more than she bargained for with her new birthday present, a light fairy, a rainbow elf, and a lot of knowledge about light wavelengths …

Reviews (3)
Tania's Bookworm Babies

Tania’s Bookworm Babies – Tania and her friends decide to start a book club at the local housing society club house. What could be more fun? A great idea for children and families to share reading resources and make better use of them. By: Kanika G     Sample Text From Tania’s Bookworm Babies: Over the …

Reviews (1)
chuskit goes to school

Chuskit Goes To School – Chuskit is 9 years old, and yearns to go to school, but because of her disability she cannot. After learning about human rights at the local school, Abdul, initiates an effort to change this. Everyone who wants to learn should have access to an education. A beautifully illustrated and heart …

Reviews (2)
marine conservation protect the ocean activity book

Marine Conservation Activity Book – For future marine biologists this book makes a perfect way to pass the time. The Protect our Oceans a marine conservation activity ebook contains lots of marine conservation-based activities such as a find the word game, matching puzzles, a drawing activity, and a colouring activity, along with lots of facts …


Another beautiful volume of Haiku set to beautiful art from Gabriel Rosenstock. Very suitable for older children or school studies. Each poem in this thought provoking poetry anthology contains a stunning public domain artwork or image.  Gabriel Rosenstock See more from Gabriel Rosenstock on FKB   For more about Haiku, see here: It is …

Reviews (3)
picture book depression

In Who Stole Bhaiya’s Smile – Picturebook about depression, Bhaiya used to love playing with his little sister, but now he doesn’t anymore, mostly because he has a monster on his back, DukDuk. The monster sometimes makes him angry, other days it won’t let him get out of bed, it takes away his smile. Bhaiya …

Reviews (10)