princess storybook about compassion

In this princess storybook about compassion and friendship, Princess Helena learns about the importance of friendship and compassion. Princess Helena feels she has an incredibly troubled life. She has all the toys and clothes she could ever want, but she is incredibly sad. One day, everything changes, when she goes through a hole in the …

Reviews (2)
adventure in western ghats - cat in the ghat

The Cat in the Ghat provides a rhyming tale of an exciting adventure in the Western Ghats. The story is inspired by the real-life expeditions of National Geographic explorer, photographer and filmmaker Sandesh Kadur in search of the elusive Pogeyan in the Western Ghats. In the beautifully illustrated picture book, Uncle Sandy (Sandesh Kadur) searches for the mysterious cat, and …

Reviews (3)
Samuel Whiskers Roly Poly Pudding

In this classic Beatrix Potter tale, a naughty Tom Kitten gets tangled up in Samuel Whiskers Roly Poly Pudding, totally unable to escape. Will Samuel Whiskers have kitten pie for dinner, or will someone come to Tom’s rescue? This version compiled and formatted by Kiwi Opa (Peter Whittaker) is suitable and best viewed on screen. …

Reviews (3)
welcome to my home picture book about being tidy

Welcome to my Home is a charming picture book about being tidy. In the story, a little boy shrinks and befriends a bee. He learns from the bees why it’s important to work hard, and to be tidy. This picture book is perfect for early readers, to keep them interested while learning new words to …

Reviews (17)
Children's book about death

Circles, a beautiful picture book about death in nature, provides a helpful introduction to the topic of death for young children. This is an ideal children’s book about death, if you need to help a pre-schooler understand about the impending or recent passing of a loved one, a family friend, or  pet. In Circles, we see …

Reviews (1)
emotional intelligence activities for kids

Emotional Intelligence is a vital skill for children, often overlooked. Not only is it overlooked, but there is seldom good workbooks available aimed directly at children. This activity book is a treasure trove of wonderful exercises that get kids thinking about their own emotions, create self-esteem, empower good behaviours and habits, and develop consideration for others. …

Reviews (17)
STEM picture book rube goldberg machine

A Whistling Good Idea – STEM Rube Goldberg machine – Nivi has to turn the cooker off for Ma. It’d be really simple to just turn it off right? But what about if she builds a cool machine to do it for her? This picture book for grades 2 to 5 is a fun read …

Reviews (13)
prism palace - STEM for girls

Prism Palace is the story of a little girl who gets a prism for her birthday and learns alot about light and how it bends and forms a rainbow. Tess Renee gets more than she bargained for with her new birthday present, a light fairy, a rainbow elf, and a lot of knowledge about light wavelengths …

Reviews (3)
a girl's holocaust survivor tale

Bronia and the Bowls of Soup is a short tale of a young girl’s experience growing up in the ghettos and concentration camps in Poland and Germany. Bronia is a normal Jewish kid at Grade school in Poland, her family owns a small clothing shop and life is stable and happy. by Aaron Zerah As …

Reviews (10)
Raj the rambling radiator boodle bods cover

Raj is a radiator, but he cares a lot about all his friends. He wants to make everyone warm. Tim the tea towel gets a bit cold, and the pink flamingo loses an egg, flip a doodle, let’s not let the egg get cold! This exciting tale is a short fun read, with an important …

Reviews (2)